Neptune in opposition to the Sun: what time to see today in Spain and from where

Neptune is seen from Earth once a year. The blue planet is one of the furthest from ours, so the day it is seen is a special event for astronomy lovers. An astronomical opposition occurs when a planet is opposite the Sun. When Neptune is in opposition it means that the Earth is between the Sun and the planet. It is also a phenomenon that occurs only with those who are furthest from Earth, as 'Earth Sky' explains. At what time can Neptune be seen in opposition to the Sun? This September 19, Neptune will be in opposition to the Sun and will be visible from some points on the planet. As reported by '', this phenomenon can be seen in Spain starting at 11:17 a.m. (GMT), which is equivalent to 1:17 p.m. in Spanish time. Where you can see Neptune in opposition to the Sun The publication adds that this will be the moment in which the planet will be more illuminated than ever and will shine with a magnitude of 7.8 in the constellation of Pisces. With the appropriate tools such as a telescope, this phenomenon can be seen in Spain at sunset in a position opposite to the Sun, although no reference location has been specified for it. Furthermore, it will not be an exclusively Spanish phenomenon. It can be seen anywhere in the world depending on your time zone. For example, in Miami they will do it at 7 in the morning in a position opposite to sunrise. However, the various meteorological portals such as '' remind us that given its distance it will be seen very faintly. At this time, Neptune will be located 'only' 240 light minutes from Earth. This will not be the only opposition to the Sun that occurs from one of the most distant planets in 2023. It is expected that November 3 will be Jupiter's turn, while November 14 will be Uranus' turn. Research on Neptune Neptune has a deep, dark cobalt color. It is a planet whose atmosphere is very dense and is composed of hydrogen, helium and methane, as well as other chemicals that could float at different altitudes. The planet owes its color to all these components, according to some research. Even so, that intense color will not be noticeable. MORE INFORMATION News No Neptune is changing in temperature and scientists do not know why. Likewise, the planet is now the focus of various investigations. In less than a year, between 2019 and 2020, the planet's cloud cover has practically disappeared. Scientists believe that, surprisingly, Neptune's clouds appear and disappear in rhythm with the cycles of solar activity.