Successful return of samples rescued by NASA's Osiris-Rex mission, the first of the American space agency to collect remains from an asteroid. The maneuvers began as planned: around 1 in the afternoon (time is…
Con los 250 gramos de regolito tomados en esa roca espacial de 500 metros, ya son seis las muestras de mundos extraterrestres traídos a la Tierra
El equipo de Johannes Fritz lleva 20 años liderando migraciones de ibis eremitas, una especie que llegó a extinguirse en Europa. Ahora, el cambio climático les ha obligado a buscar nuevas rutas en España
As the day goes by we spend energy and ATP – the energy currency of living beings – breaks down, releasing adenosine as a byproduct, a neurotransmitter that transmits information between cells. The longer we have been...
Seven years have passed since the Osiris-Rex spacecraft took flight from Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA). NASA's goal was to collect samples from Bennu, a rare primitive asteroid the size of the Empire State Building in New York, so…