To a large extent, the evolution of the Universe is governed by the 'tug of war' of two forces that are in eternal competition: dark energy, which forces the entire cosmos to expand; and gravity, which strives to hold matter together. According to …
Placozoans separated from the group of human beings 800 million years ago and barely measure a millimeter, but they have something similar to neurons.
Science had only classified 2% of the variations detected until today thanks to DeepMind's artificial intelligence
On October 9, 2022, a sudden and powerful gamma ray burst (GRB) suddenly illuminated our Solar System. Before getting here, the light from that event was probably the result of the violent explosion of a star…
A veces, los mayores tesoros de la paleoantropología no se encuentran en las excavaciones o los yacimientos, sino que guardan su turno para ver la luz ocultos en los cajones del almacén de un museo. Es el caso de unos restos de homínidos recuperados a …