Insects have successfully conquered most environments, in fact, they were the first animals capable of flight. They achieved it back in the Carboniferous, between 350 and 400 million years ago. At that time the immense hel forests…
Avi Loeb is a researcher of unquestionable prestige. He headed the Department of Astronomy at Harvard University for almost a decade, writing hundreds of scientific papers on black holes, dark matter, and the fate of…
Cervera de Buitrago is a town in the Community of Madrid located in the shadow of the Sierra Norte, which arose in the time of Ál-Andalus to control the center of the peninsula against the attack of the Christian hordes. It is said that in 1928 he moved…
El fracaso de su primera misión a la Luna en 47 años ha reavivado las dudas sobre la industria espacial rusa, asfixiada por la falta de apoyos dentro y fuera del país
NASA published on Thursday night the first image of a new crater on the Moon, probably formed by the impact of the Russian Luna-25 probe, which crashed into the surface of the Earth's satellite two weeks ago. The photograph was taken…