La rusa ‘Luna-25’, que se dirige hacia el polo sur de nuestro satélite, es la primera de una serie de sondas de varios países que explorarán la superficie lunar en los próximos años
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La rusa ‘Luna-25’, que se dirige hacia el polo sur de nuestro satélite, es la primera de una serie de sondas de varios países que explorarán la superficie lunar en los próximos años
The CILAC Forum holds a new colloquium with leaders from the region, focused on the challenges and opportunities that the region presents in the field of education in…
A decade ago, 29 people gave their consent for a strange experiment: while they were undergoing brain surgery to cure their epilepsy, they would listen to the song 'Another Brick on the Wall' in the operating room. Part 1', by Pink Floyd. In addition, they are…
That today we have all the technology we have at our disposal is, in large part, its fault. Because Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli (Milan, Italy, 1947) radically transformed the way in which chips, those 'artificial brains', were built…
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