El fracaso de su primera misión a la Luna en 47 años ha reavivado las dudas sobre la industria espacial rusa, asfixiada por la falta de apoyos dentro y fuera del país
NASA published on Thursday night the first image of a new crater on the Moon, probably formed by the impact of the Russian Luna-25 probe, which crashed into the surface of the Earth's satellite two weeks ago. The photograph was taken…
Last week India accomplished a great feat by conquering the sought-after south pole of the Moon, and now its next objective is the Sun. The Indian Space Research Agency (ISRO) announced earlier this week that tomorrow, Saturday, September 2,…
Pappus of Alexandria formulated important geometric theorems and studied the Platonic solids in relation to the sphere
The 'Luna-25' probe collided with the surface 400 kilometers from where it intended to land, after an error in the approach maneuver
It is what we could call a surprise attack. One launched without warning against Mars, in the form of a fiery cloud of plasma that, according to scientists, could strip the red planet of a good part of its already tenuous and deteriorated atmosphere….
A genetic analysis suggests that 930,000 years ago the population of human ancestors was on the brink of extinction, which could have produced the emergence of a new species
Between 813,000 and 930,000 years ago, the direct ancestors of our species reduced their numbers so much that they practically became extinct. Which would have meant that Homo sapiens, we, would never have come to exist and humans act…
Global warming is not only melting the ice sheet, but is also awakening zombie viruses that have been dormant for millions of years.
Muchos de los alimentos caseros, veganos o proteicos son, en realidad, productos procesados y ultraprocesados que no aportan ningún valor nutricional extra