At this very moment there are two ships, one Russian and one Indian, orbiting the Moon and ready to make history. Both strive to become the first probe to land on the sought-after lunar south pole, a place where it is believed that there are large reserves of...
When a very massive star runs out of fuel, it collapses under its own weight and finally explodes in the form of a supernova, one of the most violent and energetic events in the entire Universe. If the star was big enough, na…
Many logical enigmas belong to oral tradition and their origin is not known, but others are the work of prestigious authors.
Work with “modest computing” systems achieves equivalent results just weeks after the milestone published in 'Nature'
Una revisión científica de 17 estudios concluye que los bloqueadores no han demostrado propiedades contra la fatiga ocular ni en favor de la calidad del sueño
At the end of the last Ice Age, about two-thirds of Earth's large mammals in most regions of the world disappeared. This extinction was the largest of the Cenozoic, and coincided with the climatic changes of the Quatern...
An embryo is formed when sperm fertilizes an egg. Or, at least, that was what biology had taught us until a new scientific trick made it possible to give them life in the laboratory, without eggs or sperm. With the new tools…
The combination of a pair of 'award-winning' drugs with the Nobel Prize in Medicine reduces the tumor in the 28% of patients with a very aggressive melanoma
The first spacecraft aimed at the Moon launched by Russia in almost half a century has successfully entered the orbit of our Earth satellite this Wednesday, as announced by the Russian space agency Roscosmos. «For the first time in contemporary history...
In 1607, Kepler discovered a sunspot with the help of the camera obscura although, at first, he thought it was the planet Mercury. Years later, in 1656, Velázquez used the camera obscura to specify his famous Meninas