Unas 350 huellas halladas en Bolivia respaldan la idea de que los saurópodos adultos cuidaban de las crías de toda la manada y exponen las dificultades del país andino para proteger el patrimonio paleontológico
An ancient ceramic water pipe system, the oldest ever discovered in China, shows that our Neolithic ancestors were capable of performing complex engineering feats without the need for a person of authority or a 'je…
Gene therapy, which is already used to treat Parkinson's, could also be useful against other drugs such as cocaine
A group of scientists has discovered water droplets trapped in mineral deposits that probably came from an ancient ocean that existed about 600 million years ago. Researchers from the Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc) and the University…
A team of researchers from the Fermilab laboratory in Chicago, which houses one of the largest particle accelerators in the world, believes they are closer than ever to the discovery of a new force, the fifth, of nature. In an article r…
People with a very regular sleep schedule know, even when they are asleep, when they have to get up
A study with mice reveals that altruistic behavior is not innate, but learned through experience
Russia and India compete to be the first to reach the south pole of the satellite while the United States accelerates to take astronauts in 2025
Científicos de la Universidad de Stanford detectan la red neural que controla el impulso sexual en roedores y logran encenderlo y apagarlo a voluntad
The 'Labroides dimidiatus' takes care of its reputation by providing personalized service to its clients, has a long-term memory, caresses predators, changes sex and recognizes itself in the mirror