The mathematical physics that proved that the future of the universe is well defined

The mathematical physics that proved that the future of the universe is well defined

By 03/01/2020 portal-3

The mathematical physics that proved that the future of the universe is well defined

By 03/01/2020 portal-3

Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, who has just turned 96, found a solution to the so-called Cauchy problem for Einstein's vacuum equations


Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, who has just turned 96, found a solution to the so-called Cauchy problem for Einstein's vacuum equations


The Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset stated: “To be surprised, to be surprised… is to begin to understand.” The same idea pushed her from childhood to Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat to want to “unravel some of the secrets of the strange universe in which we live, and the role that human beings play in it,” as expressed in his autobiography. The French scientist, who turned 96 on December 29, has always trusted that physical and the math They could help us carry out such an endeavor. His contributions, fundamentally framed in the field of general relativity, have made her a leading figure in the area of mathematical physics of the 20th century.

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