The new virtual meeting of #CienciaEnMovimiento of CILAC will address the issue of open science in Latin America and the Caribbean and the role of the governments of the region.
Based on the study recently published by the CILAC Forum on Open science in Latin America, produced by Paola Andrea Ramirez and Daniel Samoilovich of the Columbus Association, and in light of the policies and strategies contained in the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, we will hold a meeting with the authors of the study, which will include the participation of Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz (Senior Vice President, Research Networks, Elsevier), Patricia Munoz (Deputy Director of Networks, Strategy and Knowledge, ANID – National Research and Development Agency, Chile) and Federico Torres Carballo (Vice Minister of Science and Technology, Costa Rica), and with the moderation of Guillermo Anllo, regional specialist of UNESCO's Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Programme.
During the meeting, the topic of open science will be addressed around the central question: What can Latin American governments do to strengthen the region's participation in international research, taking advantage of the open science movement?
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