Wikipedia is a little more politically biased than Encyclopedia Britannica (in favor of Democrats)

By 12/01/2021 portal-3

Wikipedia está un poco más sesgada políticamente que la Enciclopedia Británica (en favor de los demócratas)

English Wikipedia articles are slightly more politically biased than Encyclopedia Britannica articles, and most of this bias is in favor of Democratic views. That is, in almost all cases, Wikipedia leans more to the left than Britannica.

The bias disappears as more edits are made. Something to keep in mind after having attended that kind of granguiñolesca performance what was he storming of the capitol.

Objective/subjective information

One of the biggest problems of encyclopedias is to objectively present the knowledge they contain. involves subjective, unverifiable or controversial information. Even today's issues like immigration, gun control, abortion, and foreign policy are open to fervent debate depending on who is giving an opinion.

Using data from Encyclopædia Britannica, written by experts, and Wikipedia, an encyclopedia produced by an online community, in A study compared the bias and bias of pairs of articles on identical topics in American politics.

The lean measure is less (more) than zero when an article leans toward Democratic (Republican) views, while the bias is the absolute value of the lean.


What was found is that Wikipedia articles lean more toward Democratic views than Britannica articles, and they are also more biased. All in all, perhaps the most interesting finding of the research is that the more times an article is reviewed on Wikipedia, the less bias it is likely to show.

However, the number of revisions needed to start showing this effect is quite large (at least 2000 issues) and the articles most read by users are not necessarily the most reviewed by editors.

These results highlight the pros and cons of each knowledge production model, help identify the extent of empirical generalizability of previous studies comparing the information quality of the two production models, and offer implications for organizations managing knowledge. crowd-based knowledge production.

If Wikipedia wants to improve its objectivity, the study's authors note, is recommended to encourage editors to review the most read stories first, as well as encourage people with different political leanings to edit the same article. Only in this way, perhaps, will we blur a little the increasingly opaque border between Democrats and Republicans:

The news

Wikipedia is a little more politically biased than Encyclopedia Britannica (in favor of Democrats)

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra
