Science Podcast | What is happening with UFOs?

The world seems to be experiencing a new resurrection of the UFO phenomenon. Perhaps the current news will lead us to remember the fever that was experienced in the 70s and 80s; But unlike the information from that time, in which highly questionable testimonies about alleged abductions and experiments aboard spaceships and at the hands of beings of various shapes and colors prevailed, on this occasion the wickers seem more solid. Desktop Code Image for mobile, amp and app Mobile code AMP Code APP Code On the one hand, there are the appearances a couple of weeks ago in the United States Congress of three witnesses, one of them the former Intelligence officer David Grusch, whom the The leadership of the Pentagon's working group on UAP ('unidentified aerial phenomena') tasked him with identifying all secret programs related to these phenomena. Grusch told the House of Representatives that the United States Government had had a reverse engineering program for at least four decades with which it was studying the remains of ships, and that among those remains they had found "non-human biological remains." These statements made a lot of noise and it will be now, at the end of August, when the report comes out with the Government's response, which is awaited with both interest and impatience. On the other hand, there is the most scientific part, led by the controversial astrophysicist Avi Loeb, the scientist who said that the interstellar object Omuamua could be the shell of an extraterrestrial ship. Loeb was very interested in obtaining the data that the US Air Force had on a meteor that it detected in 2014, three years after Oumuamua, and whose remains fell off the coast of Papua New Guinea. Loeb wanted to investigate about that car that had traveled at twice the speed of normal, and finally managed to access that data last year, which indicated with 99.99% certainty that this object did not come from our solar system, but rather It came from other stars. It was the information that Loeb lacked to suspect that this object could be artificial. With all the precise trajectory data, Loeb calculated the place where this meteorite had exploded, and mounted a boat expedition, for which he built a type of magnetic trawling platform that swept the bottom of the portion of the Pacific Ocean delimited by Loeb and found about 700 'cosmic spherules', or what is the same, metallic microspheres of a millimeter or less, round and magnetized, which Loeb stated in his first conclusions that they could be remains of an extraterrestrial spacecraft. The criticism from the scientific community was immediate and almost unanimous, since a very thoughtful and very exhaustive analysis is needed to be able to say what Loeb was suggesting, and that analysis is the one that is about to come out now at the end of August. Related News ABC PODCAST standard No Podcast science | Are the cosmic spherules that Avi Loeb found really extraterrestrials? José Manuel Nieves The Harvard University physicist, Avi Loeb, is once again at the center of the scientific controversy after stating that he has found "cosmic spherules" that, he claims, coincide with the remains of an extraterrestrial vehicle from beyond of the Solar System With which, at the end of August we will have the NASA report on the explosive statements of Grusch and the other two Air Force pilots; Avi Loeb's study on spherules and, taking advantage of the situation, the astrophysicist's book telling what the adventure of the expedition was like. So a lot of interesting things have been put together for the end of this month with that central theme of possible extraterrestrial ships. What do you think? You can also listen to all episodes of the 'Dark Matter' podcast on Spotify, Ivoox, Apple podcast and Google podcast.