The Perseids can be observed in areas with little artificial light and from midnight between July 17 and August 24
Proteins called serpins bind to the pigment and adjust the amphibian's coloration. For most animals, high concentration of biliverdins is a bad sign
María Cumplido's thesis focuses on the groups of mathematical objects called braids and their algebraic generalization, the Artin groups
Several studies show that sleeping accompanied increases the REM phase and that movements do not affect the brain
97% of the world's mammalian biomass is made up of livestock and humans
Study suggests long-term parental presence is closely associated with higher neuron density
The largest predator in history was also the most efficient and walked to find food
A study based on 1,300 responses reveals the benefits provided by pets throughout confinement
Research finds a correlation with the presence of parasites and a worse condition of the fish
The research estimates that 576 million hectares dedicated to cultivation are unnecessary