Los nuevos descubrimientos sobre los genes que causan esta alteración neurológica podrían abrir nuevas vías para su prevención y puede que incluso la reversión de los síntomas
The 8% genome is made up of viral relics, silent remnants of ancient pandemics. When resurrected, they can play a role in health and illness
Bats are exceptional among mammals: not only are they the only ones in the family capable of flying; They also have great longevity (many species live more than 40 years), they hardly have any cases of cancer and, despite being a reservoir of…
Our body is made up of a complex community of trillions of cells, of different shapes and sizes, that all work together to keep us healthy and alive. The smallest ones, such as platelets or red blood cells, are literally…
To a large extent, the evolution of the Universe is governed by the 'tug of war' of two forces that are in eternal competition: dark energy, which forces the entire cosmos to expand; and gravity, which strives to hold matter together. According to …
Placozoans separated from the group of human beings 800 million years ago and barely measure a millimeter, but they have something similar to neurons.
Science had only classified 2% of the variations detected until today thanks to DeepMind's artificial intelligence
On October 9, 2022, a sudden and powerful gamma ray burst (GRB) suddenly illuminated our Solar System. Before getting here, the light from that event was probably the result of the violent explosion of a star…
A veces, los mayores tesoros de la paleoantropología no se encuentran en las excavaciones o los yacimientos, sino que guardan su turno para ver la luz ocultos en los cajones del almacén de un museo. Es el caso de unos restos de homínidos recuperados a …
Cada vez más mujeres viajan a España para realizar el tratamiento ante el elevado coste de la congelación de óvulos en sus países de origen