Analysis shows that prolonged exposure to low doses of radiation can be as harmful as the same amount received all at once
In an article just submitted to Physical Review Letters, a team of researchers from the Fermilab laboratory in Chicago, which houses one of the largest particle accelerators in the world, claims to be closer than ever to the discovery of a...
It was September 1991 when some German hikers were walking through the Ötzal Alps, on the border between Austria and Italy. At an altitude of 3,200 meters they were surprised by a lump on the ground. As they approached, they saw the small body of a man. …
A new sequencing of his genome dismantles the image that had been constructed of this individual murdered 5,300 years ago
'Chandrayaan-3' and 'Luna-25' successfully carry out the last maneuvers of their tight career. Moscow celebrates achieving this milestone “for the first time in modern Russian history”
La rusa ‘Luna-25’, que se dirige hacia el polo sur de nuestro satélite, es la primera de una serie de sondas de varios países que explorarán la superficie lunar en los próximos años
A decade ago, 29 people gave their consent for a strange experiment: while they were undergoing brain surgery to cure their epilepsy, they would listen to the song 'Another Brick on the Wall' in the operating room. Part 1', by Pink Floyd. In addition, they are…
That today we have all the technology we have at our disposal is, in large part, its fault. Because Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli (Milan, Italy, 1947) radically transformed the way in which chips, those 'artificial brains', were built…
If the Sun were there, nights would not exist on Earth. Such is the stellar density in the globular cluster NGC 6652, a spectacular 'ball of stars' recently photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope, that despite its veteran status in the…
Más allá de la ensaladilla y la tortilla, platos que se pueden incorporar cómodamente durante estas fechas calurosas, saludables y fáciles de preparar