The greatest genius of all time continues to surprise. A series of sketches found in one of his notebooks, in fact, demonstrate that a century before Newton and several hundred years before Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci had already had the most accurate idea about the nature of gravity. In fact, the notes indicate that he had already grasped the essence of the 'Principle of Equivalence' that Einstein formulated in 1907. The sketches, forgotten for decades and now 'revisited' by a team of engineers at the California Institute of Technology, Caltech, indicate that Leonardo had devised a whole series of experiments to demonstrate that gravity is a form of acceleration. And even more, the Florentine polymath was able to model the gravitational constant with an accuracy close to 97%. The work has been published in the Leonardo magazine. The drawings show something similar to sand particles that sprout from a jar and that, when falling, form triangles. An experiment that tried to show that gravity is a form of acceleration 400 years before Einstein did it. And all with absolutely rudimentary means. Leonardo, for example, had no way of accurately measuring time as the sand fell. Related News report Yes The era of quiet science: why a new Einstein does not appear Judith de Jorge Scientists are finding it increasingly difficult to challenge what is established, according to the analysis of 50 million investigations and patents in six decades. Large teams, the obsession with publishing and the accumulation of successes themselves may be taking their toll. Einstein's equivalence principle states that "a system immersed in a gravitational field is punctually indistinguishable from an accelerated non-inertial reference system." That is, the experience of being accelerated by gravity or being accelerated in relation to a fixed frame of reference is exactly the same. In this way, Einstein expanded on the ideas of Isaac Newton's discovery in 1687 of the universal law of gravitational attraction (which states that all objects in the universe attract each other with a force linked to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance separating them) and Galileo Galilei's 1604 statement on the law of free fall (which states that, without air resistance, all masses fall with the same acceleration). Da Vinci's experiments were discovered by Mory Gharib, Hans W. Liepmann Professor of Aeronautics and Medical Engineering, in the 'Codex Arundel', a collection of texts written by Leonardo that address both science, art and personal issues. . In early 2017, Gharib noticed a series of Codex Arundel sketches showing triangles generated by sand-like particles emerging from a jar. A revealing inscription "What caught my attention," says Gharib, lead author of the article, "is that he wrote 'Equatione di Moti' on the hypotenuse of one of the outlined triangles, an isosceles right-angled triangle. "I was interested to see what Leonardo meant with that phrase." To analyze the notes, Gharib worked with colleagues Chris Roh, then a researcher at Caltech, and Flavio Noca of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland in Geneva, who provided translations of da Vinci's Italian notes ( written in his famous left-handed mirror script that reads from right to left). In his texts, Leonardo describes an experiment in which a water jug was moved along a straight path parallel to the ground, pouring water or a granular material (probably sand) along the way. His notes make it clear that he was aware that water or sand would not fall at a constant speed, but would accelerate; and also that the material stops accelerating horizontally, since it is no longer influenced by the jug, and that therefore its acceleration is purely downward due to gravity. If the jar is moving at a constant speed, the line created by the falling material is vertical, so a triangle is not formed. But if you instead accelerate at a constant rate, the line created by the falling material forms an inclined line, which then forms a triangle. And, as da Vinci noted in a key diagram, if the pitcher's motion accelerates at the same rate that gravity accelerates the falling material, an isosceles right triangle is created, which is what Gharib originally noted da Vinci had highlighted with the note 'Equatione di Moti' or 'equalization (equivalence) of movements'. Da Vinci failed in the equations and even tried to describe that acceleration mathematically. But, as the authors of the study explain, they did not succeed. To explore the process, Gharib, Roh and Noca had to use computer models capable of running the water vase experiment. "What we saw," Roth explains, "is that Leonardo struggled with this, but he modeled it as the distance of the falling object being proportional to 2 to the power t [with t representing time] rather than proportional to t squared. It's wrong, but then we found out that he used this type of wrong equation in the right way' MORE INFORMATION news No Is it possible to see the instant of Creation? news No extraterrestrial UFOs: what is behind this phenomenon? "We don't know if da Vinci did more experiments or investigated this question more deeply," Gharib concludes. But the fact that he was dealing with this problem in this way, in the early 16th century, shows how advanced his thinking was.
Leonardo intuited the nature of gravity 400 years before Einstein
Leonardo intuited the nature of gravity 400 years before Einstein
The greatest genius of all time continues to surprise. A series of sketches found in one of his notebooks, in fact, demonstrate that a century before Newton and several hundred years before Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci had already had the most accurate idea about the nature of gravity. In fact, the notes indicate that he had already grasped the essence of the 'Principle of Equivalence' that Einstein formulated in 1907. The sketches, forgotten for decades and now 'revisited' by a team of engineers at the California Institute of Technology, Caltech, indicate that Leonardo had devised a whole series of experiments to demonstrate that gravity is a form of acceleration. And even more, the Florentine polymath was able to model the gravitational constant with an accuracy close to 97%. The work has been published in the Leonardo magazine. The drawings show something similar to sand particles that sprout from a jar and that, when falling, form triangles. An experiment that tried to show that gravity is a form of acceleration 400 years before Einstein did it. And all with absolutely rudimentary means. Leonardo, for example, had no way of accurately measuring time as the sand fell. Related News report Yes The era of quiet science: why a new Einstein does not appear Judith de Jorge Scientists are finding it increasingly difficult to challenge what is established, according to the analysis of 50 million investigations and patents in six decades. Large teams, the obsession with publishing and the accumulation of successes themselves may be taking their toll. Einstein's equivalence principle states that "a system immersed in a gravitational field is punctually indistinguishable from an accelerated non-inertial reference system." That is, the experience of being accelerated by gravity or being accelerated in relation to a fixed frame of reference is exactly the same. In this way, Einstein expanded on the ideas of Isaac Newton's discovery in 1687 of the universal law of gravitational attraction (which states that all objects in the universe attract each other with a force linked to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance separating them) and Galileo Galilei's 1604 statement on the law of free fall (which states that, without air resistance, all masses fall with the same acceleration). Da Vinci's experiments were discovered by Mory Gharib, Hans W. Liepmann Professor of Aeronautics and Medical Engineering, in the 'Codex Arundel', a collection of texts written by Leonardo that address both science, art and personal issues. . In early 2017, Gharib noticed a series of Codex Arundel sketches showing triangles generated by sand-like particles emerging from a jar. A revealing inscription "What caught my attention," says Gharib, lead author of the article, "is that he wrote 'Equatione di Moti' on the hypotenuse of one of the outlined triangles, an isosceles right-angled triangle. "I was interested to see what Leonardo meant with that phrase." To analyze the notes, Gharib worked with colleagues Chris Roh, then a researcher at Caltech, and Flavio Noca of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland in Geneva, who provided translations of da Vinci's Italian notes ( written in his famous left-handed mirror script that reads from right to left). In his texts, Leonardo describes an experiment in which a water jug was moved along a straight path parallel to the ground, pouring water or a granular material (probably sand) along the way. His notes make it clear that he was aware that water or sand would not fall at a constant speed, but would accelerate; and also that the material stops accelerating horizontally, since it is no longer influenced by the jug, and that therefore its acceleration is purely downward due to gravity. If the jar is moving at a constant speed, the line created by the falling material is vertical, so a triangle is not formed. But if you instead accelerate at a constant rate, the line created by the falling material forms an inclined line, which then forms a triangle. And, as da Vinci noted in a key diagram, if the pitcher's motion accelerates at the same rate that gravity accelerates the falling material, an isosceles right triangle is created, which is what Gharib originally noted da Vinci had highlighted with the note 'Equatione di Moti' or 'equalization (equivalence) of movements'. Da Vinci failed in the equations and even tried to describe that acceleration mathematically. But, as the authors of the study explain, they did not succeed. To explore the process, Gharib, Roh and Noca had to use computer models capable of running the water vase experiment. "What we saw," Roth explains, "is that Leonardo struggled with this, but he modeled it as the distance of the falling object being proportional to 2 to the power t [with t representing time] rather than proportional to t squared. It's wrong, but then we found out that he used this type of wrong equation in the right way' MORE INFORMATION news No Is it possible to see the instant of Creation? news No extraterrestrial UFOs: what is behind this phenomenon? "We don't know if da Vinci did more experiments or investigated this question more deeply," Gharib concludes. But the fact that he was dealing with this problem in this way, in the early 16th century, shows how advanced his thinking was.