Núria López-Bigas, biologist: “Healthy tissue also has mutations that lead to cancer”

La bióloga Núria López-Bigas, profesora de investigacion ICREA en el IRB Barcelona y Premio Fundacion Lilly de investigacion Biomedica Preclinica 2023.

The raw material with which biologist Núria López-Bigas (Monistrol de Montserrat, Barcelona, 47 years old) works is data. Thousands and thousands of data. In her laboratory, the scientist, who is an ICREA research professor at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Institute and an expert in bioinformatics, genetically sequences real tumors and dissects that information through powerful imaging tools. artificial intelligence (AI). These enormous amounts of data may contain the answer to why a cell goes out of control to create cancer or which mutations in genes are precursors to a tumor. “We help digest all that information efficiently to give a report that is useful to clinicians", summarizes the researcher, who has recently been awarded the Lilly Foundation Award for Preclinical Biomedical Research 2023.

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Núria López-Bigas, profesora de investigacion ICREA en el IRB Barcelona.