On Monday 29th February 2016, in the presence of high-local and international authorities, the First Latin American and the Caribbean Open Science Forum was launched. CILAC 2016: Transforming our region: Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean will be held from the 6th to 9th September 2016 in Montevideo, Uruguay.
This event is like no other in the region, connecting future researchers with distinguished scientists, early stage entrepreneurs with leading businesses and heads of corporations, innovators and policymakers, artists, designers, performers, inventors with engineers, science journalists with media houses. What connects all of these people… the scientific challenges of the 21st Century that require inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary collaboration from across all sectors and all societies of Latin America and the Caribbean.
The launch was attended by the Deputy Director-General of UNESCO, Mr Getachew Engida, during his official mission to Uruguay and Argentina, and the Mayor of Montevideo, Mr Daniel Martínez, the Director of the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII), Mr Fernando Brum, the Rector of the University of the Republic, Mr Roberto Markarian and the Executive Secretary of the Association of Universities Montevideo Group (AUGM), Mr Alvaro Maglia.
During his speech Mr Engida stated that that «there are different types of sciences, social, human, natural, life sciences (…) and countries themselves should define exactly in what area the development is needed adjust their systems according to their own vision and strategy. » He noted that «the biggest challenge is political commitment and leadership, which are key to solving global problems such as hunger and climate change.»
The Mayor of Montevideo, followed onto say «increasingly, knowledge is what differentiates nations in solving their problems and is fundamental to achieving social justice. We cannot continue to damage our planet; we must promote development «.
Mr Engida also stated that «the enormous challenges of our time require interdisciplinary and multisectoral collaboration in all areas of Latin American and Caribbean reality. CILAC 2016 is formulated with the framework of the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, recently approved by the United Nations System.
The forum will be a space to discuss policies, innovation, present research findings, ideas and network with your associates from throughout the region. The outcome will contribute to a regional agenda for science, technology and innovation which will be presented during the forthcoming World Science Forum for Peace to be held in Jordan in November 2017.
CILAC 2016, General Coordinator, Luis Carrizo, opened the forum with an invitation for the public and private sectors to participate in various ways, including through financial and institutional sponsorship.
The event will include workshops, thematic sessions, in five areas, technical visits, scientific cafes and science in the street – free public activities taking place simultaneously throughout city during the 3 days of the Forum.
Please feel free to contact Luis Carrizo, General Coordinator for further information on the event or consult the official website for news and updates on CILAC 2016: the 1st Latin American and Caribbean Open Science Forum.