Has the scientific method changed due to the health crisis?

By 17/07/2020 Portal

In the health crisis situation we are experiencing, everything is urgent. But scientific method It continues to be maintained also in this time of covid with its usual way of functioning: I have a question, I develop a hypothesis, I design an experiment to test my hypothesis and from the results I obtain, I draw a conclusion. Those are the steps of the scientific method. And, at this moment, they are also being maintained. What is happening during this crisis is that some things that have been happening before are being highlighted. On the one hand, there is above all the need and urgency to have results to respond to multiple demands, from the search for diagnostic methods, to the fact that politicians need scientific data to make more informed decisions or that we must investigate how to obtain a treatment or a vaccine. . That is, there is pressure to achieve faster results. And it can happen that, in order to obtain them more quickly, scientists, who are people, act in such a way that, for example, at the time of making the experimental design they could have made another more sophisticated design, or that when they have to, they draw the conclusions at best. In their haste, they extract them without sufficient reflection because they would need more time. It is the pressure to obtain quick answers from a system, the scientific one, which is much slower.

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