Dinosaurs go to prison

By 04/02/2023 Portal

Los presos de Navalcarnero se pasan de mano en mano fósiles y réplicas del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales.

One of the seven prisons in Madrid, Navalcarnero, is built around a big soccer field of sand and a small pool. A gallery surrounds the playing field and everyone mockingly calls it “the M-30,” like the road that circles the center of Madrid. They have walked along this M-30 of the penitentiary center the dismemberment of Majadahonda, the Galician drug trafficker Laureano Oubiña, seven condemned for the cards black, the nationalist leader Arnaldo Otegi, the violent bank robber Dumbo, the Catalan separatist politician Josep Rull, the elevator rapist, the Colombian hitman Ibrahim Arteaga, two of the brothers Ruiz Mateos. In the Navalcarnero prison there are about 860 inmates, each one with his father and mother. The 35% are foreign. This morning with winter sun, biologists Mar Jabardo and Gema Porta, from the National Museum of Natural Sciences (CSIC), tour the gallery loaded with fossils. They are going to teach a paleontology class.

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Las biólogas Mar Jabardo y Gema Porta muestran fósiles a los reclusos de la cárcel de Navalcarnero.Campo de fútbol de arena en el corazón del centro penitenciario de Navalcarnero.Julián Restrepo, un interno colombiano de 42 años en la cárcel de Navalcarnero.Uno de los patios del centro penitenciario de Navalcarnero.Rubén Paniagua, talaverano de 29 años, cumple una condena corta en Navalcarnero.