Geography of death

Geography of death

By 09/02/2020 portal-3

Geography of death

By 09/02/2020 portal-3

Regional inequalities in public health must mark the direction for politicians


Regional inequalities in public health must mark the direction for politicians


At a first level of analysis, the new National mortality atlas in Spain It is nothing more than a statistical confirmation of ideas well established by biomedical research. We know that smoking is a leading cause of lung diseases, as is breathing the fumes from a coal mine, we know that heterosexual promiscuity increases the risk of uterine cancer, since it spreads the papillomavirus that causes it, and that eating saturated fats, the kind that fill pizzas, buns and hamburgers, leads to diabetes, metabolic disease and hence to the horsemen of the apocalypse that underlie the bulk of human mortality in Western countries, and increasingly in the developing world: heart attacks, cancers and neurodegenerative diseases. So much for the obvious, the science of death.

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