The space telescope updates one of the most iconic images in the history of cosmology, which changed the way we appreciate space
Among the winners, scientists with important careers also stand out, such as Mariano Barbacid, Ana Martínez Gil and the philosopher Daniel Innerarity.
The NASA probe passed just 352 kilometers from this world that contains a salty ocean under the ice
NASA's supertelescope gives a new perspective on the clouds and characteristic shape of the solar system's eighth planet
The images also show the gas giant's rings and satellites
Up to 50 shooting stars per hour can be observed during the best nights, between August 11 and 13, from places away from light pollution
The fireball was caused by a small space rock that broke off from comet 169P/NEAT, responsible for the annual Alpha Capricornid shower.
Disciple of Severo Ochoa, he developed his entire research career in the United States
The space observatory provides a new image of this star formation located 500 million light years from Earth
The Royal Spanish Mathematical Society and the BBVA Foundation award the best mathematicians under 30 years of age