The trial in 14 centers finds possible benefits of the blood derivative in patients who are not in critical condition, but the results are not conclusive
Two detectors in Europe and the United States discover the most powerful collision of two black holes ever observed, but they do not understand how it came about
The US and China expand their competition to the red planet with the intention of being the first to find traces of life and lay the foundations for future human colonies
The 'Perseverance' vehicle will explore an ancient lake on the red planet where there could be living beings
The minister will leave his position in the Government if he is elected by the organization of 22 countries
Epidemiologist Anthony Fauci believes the shot could begin to be distributed in November or sooner
A tool allows us to develop for the first time a complete map of the extremely complex three-dimensional structure of genetic information, essential to understanding our biology and all diseases.
Two stone tools make it possible to fill a gap in the record of human presence in the Burgos mountains from 1.4 million years ago to the present
The Tianwen-1 mission will be the first in history to attempt to orbit, land and explore the surface at the same time. Their destination is a plain that hides a reserve of frozen water with a surface area larger than Italy.
The Government plans a restructuring of the institutes of oceanography, mining and agri-food science