A decade ago, 29 people gave their consent for a strange experiment: while they were undergoing brain surgery to cure their epilepsy, they would listen to the song 'Another Brick on the Wall' in the operating room. Part 1', by Pink Floyd. In addition, they are…
That today we have all the technology we have at our disposal is, in large part, its fault. Because Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli (Milan, Italy, 1947) radically transformed the way in which chips, those 'artificial brains', were built…
If the Sun were there, nights would not exist on Earth. Such is the stellar density in the globular cluster NGC 6652, a spectacular 'ball of stars' recently photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope, that despite its veteran status in the…
Unas 350 huellas halladas en Bolivia respaldan la idea de que los saurópodos adultos cuidaban de las crías de toda la manada y exponen las dificultades del país andino para proteger el patrimonio paleontológico
Más allá de la ensaladilla y la tortilla, platos que se pueden incorporar cómodamente durante estas fechas calurosas, saludables y fáciles de preparar
An ancient ceramic water pipe system, the oldest ever discovered in China, shows that our Neolithic ancestors were capable of performing complex engineering feats without the need for a person of authority or a 'je…
Gene therapy, which is already used to treat Parkinson's, could also be useful against other drugs such as cocaine