Research applies in Aznalcóllar a way to activate soil contaminated by heavy metals so that it regenerates from worms, microorganisms and waste
Research applies in Aznalcóllar a way to activate soil contaminated by heavy metals so that it regenerates from worms, microorganisms and waste
Agriculture began in the Neolithic, but was based on much earlier raw materials
The interaction between deforestation and warming will double the area burned by 2050
Why is a ring of fire sometimes seen around the lunar disk during solar eclipses?
A scientific team reconstructs the evolution of the tomato, from when it was the size of a blueberry, how it reached the size of a cherry, shrank again and ended up domesticated in Mexico
When the universe was younger, the fraction of spiral galaxies was much higher than now
Researchers find new families of birds on three little-explored islands in Indonesia, but their survival is threatened by forest destruction
Cotec's survey on social perception of innovation reveals that the number of uneducated people who fear digital change has increased by 32% in two years
Two studies suggest a link between insomnia and increased risk of developing this dementia
Mathematician Terence Tao obtains a significant new result on the Collatz conjecture, one of the easiest mathematical problems to state and most difficult to solve.
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