Members of the university and civil society organizations of Latin America and the Caribbean, gathered in Panama City in a parallel event to the CILAC 2018 Forum, we understand that knowledge is a common good. We want to make public our confidence in the role of science as an engine of democracy, freedom and social justice in the current historical moment. We want more science and we want it to be open. We consider it necessary to move towards collaborative models of creation, management, communication, preservation and appropriation between Academia-Citizenship-State-Company. Therefore, we recognize that opening science requires going beyond open access, we need to regain society's leadership role and reclaim the right of citizens to produce and benefit from science, technology and innovation. (OCSDNet).
Within the Sustainable Development Goals, we recognize the importance of ensuring equitable access to quality education and the development of scientific knowledge and socially useful technologies to address the development challenges of our nations. These challenges require greater social participation and strengthening the scientific culture of citizens, which is not possible without the opening of science.
At the government level, there is growing interest in developing open science policies as a strategy to improve the efficiency and productivity of investment in science and technology. While this is true, it is essential that open science is also promoted as a fundamental tool to build citizenship and strengthen democracy.
To take advantage of the full potential of science, we must advance in the design of policies that consider all the elements of open scientific practice with the particularities of our region and not only adopting international trends without any critical input.
By tipping this statement, we want to help improve understanding of the benefits of open science and raise the need to develop comprehensive public policies that address the challenges of openness across the science of the research cycle:
(A) Essential elements for open scientific practice:
Open access, open data, open education, citizen science, open, reproducible and replicable research. Open evaluation and open peer review. Open tools and free software and hardware policies. Open infrastructures. Open source innovation Free licenses, equitable access to biological research material?
(B) Public policy strategies for the implementation of open science
We urge you to consider and implement the following strategies:
1. Formulate national open science policies adapted to the problems of Latin America and the Caribbean. Promote openness in institutional Science, Technology and Innovation policies and promote the adoption of institutional open science policies that address the elements and strategies described in this document.
2. Promotes open access publication under the Berlin Declaration of all search products in open access journals or interoperable open access repositories. This involves encouraging the use of open licenses, especially in research funded by public grants and national or multilateral funding agencies.
3. Establish economic incentives for research that involves scientific components and promote financing for open source innovation processes in productive sectors and generation of public policies.
4. Established models that recognize that collaboration between scientific actors and social communities is fundamental for the generation of knowledge and the development of capabilities in the region. Incentives must be incorporated for the equitable and meaningful participation of communities in the research processes that are developed from the academy, as well as the resolution of community problems through citizen science processes and open source innovation autonomously. civil society.
5. Promote models for the evaluation and measurement of scientific production that value scientific cooperation, the construction and strengthening of knowledge networks and efforts to develop research capacities in citizenship. This implies the adoption of scientific production models that favor open access publication and the construction of open evaluation indicators, taking advantage of the capacities installed in Latin America and the Caribbean.
6. Promote the development of open and interoperable regional platforms, infrastructures and tools and the strengthening of existing repositories of open documents, data and educational resources in academic and research institutions.
7. Open scientific awareness and training programs for researchers, university teachers of all types, science administrators, higher education administrators and entrepreneurs, as well as introducing undergraduate and graduate students to the dynamics of open science. Establish pedagogical practices that aim to share knowledge and generate knowledge collaboratively.
8. The development of citizen science implementation strategies that strengthen the processes of social appropriation of knowledge and promote science among the dynamics of daily life is considered a priority; Promote the generation and reuse of scientific knowledge of the communities, as well as their active participation in the processes of creating research agendas and priorities.
9. Promote investments to create open research institutions that have physical, technological and human infrastructure for the development of scientific and innovation projects with broad citizen participation. Promote the creation of a network of open regional laboratories to create their own agenda of collaborative projects.
10. Formulation of policies that focus on eradicating social inequalities in knowledge generation processes and closing gaps in participation based on race, ethnicity, disability or gender, and that promote science that addresses social justice and also recognize cognitive asymmetries between countries.
11. Promote an open scientific network in the region that shares resources, data and infrastructure for research and innovation with permanent programs for the free exchange of researchers and students between different institutions through multilateral cooperation agreements.
We recognize that the implementation of open science involves an important cultural change among the scientific and academic community, as well as the commitment and resource commitment of national and institutional scientific administrators. However, we know that the social benefits of developing science are worth the efforts we make in this regard, which is why our organizations aim to provide initiatives and solutions that assist in the early and optimal implementation of open science in America. Latin and the Caribbean. .
ANNEX – Detail of the guidelines for the construction of open scientific policies in Latin America and the Caribbean – 2018
Current research focuses on global problems of structural inequality, established around the Sustainable Development Goals, which brings together the efforts of different communities, including scientists, to offer solutions from cooperative, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary principles. These problems in Latin America and the Caribbean must be addressed from a regional perspective that recognizes the potential, difficulties and multiple opportunities of our countries. Among the initiatives that we recognize as inspiring are: Ubatuba Open Science Project (Brazil, IBICT), Innovation Laboratory for Peace (Colombia, National University of Colombia), Latindex-SciELO-Redalyc and CLACSO-LaRereference (LATAM), BIOLEFT: openings similar (Argentina, CENIT), SiB Colombia (Colombia, Alexander Von Humboldt Institute), Coordinator for the defense of water and life (Cochabamba, Bolivia).
We want to advance the integration of new practices of open science through the incorporation of policies that involve the entire research cycle, including project design, collection, data processing analysis, the creation of infrastructure and the commitment to its sustainability, publication, dissemination and appropriation of the results. We seek to contribute to the design of policies that integrate and recognize the active role of all social actors in the process of scientific knowledge production by promoting inclusive processes of collective intelligence.
(A) Essential elements for the practice of open science
We urge government agencies, public and private institutions, science funding agencies and researchers, civil society and the city to promote the following definitions and practices of open science for Latin America and the Caribbean based on the following:
1. Open Access:
Includes open access publication contemplating Green Road (through repositories) and Golden Road (through journals with an open access policy with processing positions for authors, not for authors), for printers, preprints, gray materials and publications of any as
Design strategies for the creation and improvement of the quality of scientific journals and their dissemination in open access published in Latin America, and promote the development of skills of editorial teams.
Design strategies for the development and strengthening of interoperable digital repositories (national, institutional and/or thematic) using existing metadata and regional guidelines.
Encourage the use of open access information resources and promote them in information literacy programs.
2. Open Data:
This is data that can be freely used, reused, and redistributed by anyone, and is subject to attribution and sharing requirements in the same way it appears.
Promote the publication of open research data in accordance with available licenses and standards, ensuring the reproduction of research results.
Ensure the implementation and use of open data mechanisms in government to improve transparency, cost-effectiveness and better public decision-making.
Boost transparency of algorithms and other private sector data collection mechanisms.
Promotion of data sovereignty strategies in the region.
Promote public and data collection initiatives throughout the city for scientific research.
3. Open Education:
Understood as practices and policies that ensure access, opening, modification and reuse of Open Educational Resources (OER), data, methodologies and educational processes.
Require environments for digital ownership of the production, access and use of open educational resources.
Dissemination of open educational resources (OER) in order to integrate them into the educational system throughout life.
Develop skills for the sustainable development of open quality learning materials.
Creation of OER repositories Conservation and conservation of OER.
Find policies on Open Education (OE) that value the link with other openness movements.
4. Citizen science:
It includes the collection, analysis and design of research projects with different actors of civil society, satisfying their social needs and respecting the diversity of knowledge and non-scientific knowledge.
Ensure the social transfer of research products through open research agendas and the dissemination, appropriation and dissemination of science.
Recognize the community as a subject of the ICIPE research process and promote the capacity of citizens to generate knowledge of the communities.
Promote and recognize the scientific processes developed by civil society organizations and community spheres as people of their own well-being.
Develop institutional capacities to support citizen science through the organization of workshops, intercalibration campaigns and instrument maintenance.
5. Open, reproducible and replicable search:
It includes opening the cycle of scientific or citizen research through the use of open tools and tools and the open publication of research protocol design and laboratory notes, data management plans, data and metadata.
Promote open work methodologies and open collaborative workflows that promote local relevance, efficiency and reliability of scientific production.
It includes defensive measures such as protection against cognitive biases, open research methodologies and methodological support, and transparency of documentation, annotations of scientific work and open research results (reproducible studies).
Recognize an additional role in reproducibility in teaching research processes, since published data and the analysis process (code) can be used as educational resources in science and as a source of innovation.
6. Open Evaluation:
Understood as transparent and reproducible science measurement models that value scientific publication, the generation of knowledge networks, community engagement and social impacts in solving regional problems.
Open peer review that helps evaluate good practices of journals, editors, authors and reviewers in the validation, measurement (Bibliometrics and alternative measurement metrics) and publication of scientific information.
Reconnect regional capabilities to measure the visibility and positioning of scientific production.
Recognize the impact on the resolution of immediate local problems as a privileged factor of scientific measurement.
Modify academic evaluation systems to encourage publication in open access journals.
7. Open Tools. Software and hardware policy:
It comprises scientific software and instruments whose code, design documentation and tutorials are available under free licenses for study, reuse and modification.
Prioritize free software for research (generation, dissemination and use of products, construction of unique identification networks of institutions, researchers, projects and research products).
Create data repositories that serve disclosure journals, as well as other research products that are not necessarily published.
Releasing hardware and all code for software is essential.
Modify academic evaluation systems to encourage the documentation, publication and distribution (under open/free hardware license) of devices created and used in the generation of knowledge.
8. Open Infrastructures:
It includes data management, exhibition and preservation design tools that avoid asymmetric appropriation of results and ensure interoperability, transparency and equity of their use.
Ensuring the sovereignty, sustainability and digital preservation of repositories over time includes data repositories produced by state public authorities, open access repositories, open educational resources (OER) repositories.
Have digital infrastructures co-created in the territory to facilitate access, preservation, appropriation and use of the communities.
Adoption of free software for the management, production and measurement of science.
Adoption of national collection nodes for repositories for visibility and impact measurement of national research products.
Open laboratories.
9. Open Source Innovation:
It includes processes of creation and co-creation of knowledge products, between various social actors (scientific, governmental, urban and private), who are committed to working with open licenses, facilitating their use and commercialization, while ensuring their conditions of use. opening and opening. re-use
Promote and reconnect innovation, integrated by various social actors (scientific, governmental, urban and private) as a means to solve social problems. Using open science methodologies and, therefore, reconnecting the city as the protagonist of its own development.
Promote the development of shared research agendas to improve the quality of life of the region's inhabitants.
Generate collaborative development groups for innovation based on the incorporation of open science elements.
Publish the results of innovation processes in open access.
Promote the adoption and development of digital tools that enable the release of methods, discoveries and ideas into the public domain, creating “prior art” to avoid third-party ownership (e.g. public domain chronicle: /pdc/)
10. Free licenses:
Understood as those exercises of copyright that recognize the creators, allow copying, modification and redistribution, as well as the generation of derivative works without restrictions, except those that protect their free circulation.
Promote the use of licenses that ensure the opening of research products and processes in any of their varieties and avoid the future closure of derivative works.
Promote the publication of editable sources of productions, as well as methodological documentation to facilitate their study, reuse and replicability.
Ensure the sustainability of projects, promoting the reuse of knowledge and improving synergy between different actors.
11. Tools: Open. Access and transfer policy for biological material:
Use of legal tools for the transfer of biological material that encourages cooperation between the various sectors of society in an equitable manner.
Open Material Transfer Agreement (OpenMTA, as an alternative to the commonly used UBMTA.
12. Continuous training:
Every open science process implies permanent training of the different actors in the ecosystem, so that open science becomes a scientific culture, in the way of doing the science necessary for the present. Therefore, a joint effort is required between central state organizations, universities and research centers, civil society organizations and libraries (university, public and school) to achieve this permanent training that responds to the challenges and updating that the open science (In accordance with strategy No. 7: Open science awareness and training programs)
13. Language(s) of documentation, dissemination, publication, etc.?
Andrés Arango (Colombia)
Alejandro Posada (Colombia)
Anne Clinio (Brazil)
Antonio Lafuente (Spain)
Carolina Botero (Colombia)
Carolina Mendoza (Panama)
Dairo Escobar (Colombia)
Dennise Albornoz (Peru)
Diego Gomez (Colombia)
Diego Mora (Colombia)
Eduardo Carrillo (Paraguay)
Eliana Quiroz (Bolivia)
Enrique César García (Mexico)
Evelyn Alvarez (El Salvador)
Eve Vessuri (Argentina)
Fernando Ariel López (Argentina)
Iván Martínez (Mexico)
Ivonne Lujano (Mexico)
Johana Jaramillo (Colombia)
Lilia Pagola (Argentina)
María Juliana Soto (Colombia)
Mariano Fressoli (Argentina)
Paola Ricaurte (Mexico)
Rafael Pezzi (Brazil)
Raiza Urribarri (Paraguay)
Tata Mendez (Colombia)
Thaiane Oliveira (Brazil)
Verónica Xhardez (Argentina)
Virginia Brussa (Argentina)
Werner Westermann (Chile)
Vladimir Hernández B. (Colombia)
Daniel Bellomo (Argentina)
Fernan Federici (Argentina)
Alejandro Uribe Tirado (Colombia)
Gimena del Rio Riande (Argentina)
Antonela Isoglio (Argentina)
Jorge Saturno (Venezuela)
Luhilda Ribeiro Silveira (Brazil)
Terezinha Silva (Brazil)