The parallel events of #CILAC18 are confirmed

By 13/07/2018 News

At the same time that the thematic sessions and high-level tables of the Forum will be held in the Wyndham Albrook Hotel Panama City, a series of parallel events will take place in the City of Knowledge. These are different activities, each with its own dynamics, which find in CILAC and in science week an appropriate framework to carry them out. The City of Knowledge is located a few kilometers from the Forum site.

So far, 17 parallel events have been confirmed, selected by the forum organizers among all the proposals received, with diverse modalities ranging from workshops, presentations, training courses or informal talks. To participate in these events you must be registered in the forum, first, and then register for the specific event. All of them are linked to the 2030 agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals and the three main axes of CILAC.

Different institutions will be in charge of showing their events within CILAC, the Panamanian Institute of Law and New Technologies, for example, will host fucksUp nights, talks where entrepreneurs tell about their failures when they began to venture into the business world. The Columbus Association will hold the workshop on how to work with open data, while Global Young Academy, InterAcademy and KnowInnovation will give a workshop for young scientists.

All data on these and the other parallel events of #CILAC18 are available here. As the date approaches, more information about these and other side events to be confirmed will be included.