Engineers from 1.8 million years ago

By 26/01/2020 Uncategorized

Engineers from 1.8 million years ago

By 26/01/2020 portal-3

Engineers from 1.8 million years ago

By 26/01/2020 portal-3

A study shows that hominids from the Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) made specific stone tools based on their use, hardness, capacity and useful life


A study shows that hominids from the Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) made specific stone tools based on their use, hardness, capacity and useful life


The use of environmental materials as tools is not exclusive to man. Many species are capable of using available elements. The throne of antiquity of this practice by hominids is now placed at 2.58 million years in a desert area in southern Ethiopia known as Bokol Dora, where some 300 small, sharp tools have been found, according to an international team published of paleoanthropologists in the magazine Proceedings from the US National Academy of Sciences. But there is a substantial evolutionary leap: the selection of materials, not necessarily from the nearest environment, for their hardness, load potential and useful life to make specific, more efficient tools. The proof of this practice 1.8 million years ago has been demonstrated in an excavation in the Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania), cradle of the first human culture and where the first pages of the genesis of engineering were written if this is considered as the set of knowledge aimed at the invention and use of techniques for the use of natural resources.

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