The CSIC presents to the European Commission a program for the control and monitoring of the coastline based on the revolutionary images of the 'Sentinel'
The CSIC presents to the European Commission a program for the control and monitoring of the coastline based on the revolutionary images of the 'Sentinel'
The CSIC presents to the European Commission a program for the control and monitoring of the coastline based on the revolutionary images of the 'Sentinel'
“Nature is like a painting in the eyes of the Sentinel 2”says Isabel Caballero, from the Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalusia (Higher Council of Scientific Research - CSIC). That look comes from the satellites of the Copernicus observation program, from the European Space Agency (ESA), which orbit the Earth at an altitude of 786 kilometers. The main objective is to monitor the evolution of the Earth's crust and the management of natural disasters, but Caballero has discovered, after two investigations in the Gulf of Cádiz and Florida, the importance of the canvas drawn by satellites to analyze the coastal seabed . From these eyes on the sea, millions of data emerge free of charge and in high resolution, for the first time, allowing us to know the quality of the waters or the evolution of the coastline, as well as the consequences of human activity or climate change.
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UNESCO Montevideo Office.