Sponsor CILAC
A regional platform of great impact
CILAC is an opportunity to give visibility to your company or institution.
CILAC is an opportunity to give visibility to your company or institution.
CILAC is an opportunity to give visibility to your company or institution.
Inclusion of the institutional logo in all Forum materials (bag, brochure, program, banners, website, folders, etc.)
Access and Events:
Invitation for 1 representative to the Cultural Gala.
9 m² stand in the Exhibition Center
Preferential seating for 1 representative at the opening and closing conferences
Institutional presentation of 100 words on the website, including logo and direct access to the website
Inclusion of the logo in the promotional video of the Forum
Video interview with institutional representative, to be carried out during the Forum and published on its website
Inclusion of the Logo in all Forum materials
Recognition as a member in all rooms, including the Plenary
Access and Events
Special invitation for two representatives at the Cultural Gala
16 m² space available for stand installation, in a central location of the Exhibition Center
Preferential seating for two representatives at the opening and closing conferences
Institutional presentation of 250 words on the website, including logo and direct access to the website
Inclusion of the logo in the promotional video of the Forum
Video interview with institutional representative, to be carried out during the Forum and published on its website
Inclusion of the logo in the welcome sign at the entrance to the Forum
Inclusion of the Logo in preferential size in all Forum materials
Recognition as a member in all rooms, including the Plenary, on banners in preferential size
Access and Events
Special invitation for 2 representatives for the Cultural Gala
Access to products from the Forum's official photographer in high definition
Institutional support (infrastructure, agenda, equipment) for reserved meetings with special guests
24 m² stand, preferably in the Exhibition Center
Preferential seating for five representatives at the opening and closing conferences
2024, CILAC Forum. All rights reserved.
UNESCO Montevideo Office.