A scientist who publishes a study every two days shows the darker side of science

By 03/06/2023 Portal

The meat expert Jose Manuel Lorenzo, 46 years old, is the researcher who publishes the most scientific studies in Spain: he signed 176 jobs last year, according to a count requested by EL PAÍS to John Ioannidis, expert in biomedical statistics at Stanford University (United States). Lorenzo publishes a study every two days, if weekends are included. It is an incredible figure, very far from the second place - the prestigious ecologist Josep Penuelas, 65 years old, with 112 studies per year—and at a stark distance from the vast majority of his colleagues in his field, who usually publish a dozen articles a year at most. The University of Vigo, where Lorenzo is an associate professor, has gone so far as to proclaim that it is “the world's greatest meat expert”, but a French researcher who usually stars in international congresses in the specialty explains to this newspaper that he had never heard the name of the Spaniard. Lorenzo's case illuminates the darkest side of science.

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Jesús Simal, catedrático de Nutrición de la Universidad de Vigo.El Centro Tecnológico de la Carne presume de que cuatro de los cinco primeros expertos en productos cárnicos del mundo son investigadores de su organización.El químico Rafael Luque, en un laboratorio de la Universidad de Córdoba.Gregory Lip, cardiólogo de la Universidad de Liverpool, es el científico que más publica en el mundo.