Charles Darwin's iconic sketch of the tree of life and help is requested to locate it

By 27/11/2020 portal-3

El icónico boceto del árbol de la vida de Charles Darwin y se pide ayuda para localizarlo

Two lost notebooks Charles Darwin, one of which contains the iconic 1837 sketch of the Tree of Life, have been stolen and Cambridge University Library is asking for help to locate them.

In January 2001, the notebooks disappeared. But it is now, after an exhaustive search, that it can be confirmed that they have probably not been lost, but rather stolen.

Evolution Day

The call to find the notebooks It was released this November 24, coinciding with what is commonly known each year as 'Evolution Day', which recognizes the anniversary of Darwin's publication of The origin of species, November 24, 1859.

Darwinstreeoflifesketch 1200x1909

As explained Jessica Gardner, University Librarian and Director of Library Services:

This public appeal could be instrumental in bringing the notebooks back safely, for the benefit of all, and I would ask anyone who thinks they can help to get in touch. We would be very grateful to hear from any staff, past or present, members of the book trade, researchers or the general public, information that could assist in the recovery of the notebooks.

The image of 'Tree of Life' It is part of one of Darwin's handwritten notebooks. The notebook in question is stored in a custom-made blue box, along with a second similar notebook, where Darwin develops his theory in terms of geographical distribution, the origin of humans and classification by descent.

Darwin sketched his ideas around an evolutionary tree in the summer of 1837, having recently returned from his trip around the world aboard the HMS Beagle, more than two decades before publishing a more developed tree of life in The origin of species.

The content of the manuscript of the two notebooks, fortunately, was previously digitized, including the Tree of Life sketch, and is available at the Cambridge Digital Library.

The news

Charles Darwin's iconic sketch of the tree of life and help is requested to locate it

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra
