The largest spider in the world has a wingspan of up to 28 centimeters

By 12/12/2020 portal-3

La araña más grande del mundo tiene una envergadura de hasta 28 centímetros

The largest known spider is the giant goliath tarantula or birdhouse (Theraphosa blondi). It hunts by laying ambushes and its legs have a wingspan of up to 28 centimeters.

It can weigh more than 100 grams, with the maximum recorded weight being 155 grams corresponding to a female in captivity.

Theraphosa blondi

This spider lives mainly in the coastal jungles of Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana and, despite its name, they feed mainly on insects and frogs.


Its poison is far from deadly., as is popularly believed; Their chelicerae produce a deep wound and the pain can last for 48 hours at most, as well as nausea and sweating.

Although spiders are covered in elongated villi called trichobothria, they also have an exoskeleton. When they grow and outgrow their exoskeleton, they shed it in a process called "molting."


Some hunting peoples, such as the Yanomami, they use them as food. The Yanomamiös or Yanomamis are an indigenous American ethnic group divided into three large groups: Sanumá, Yanomam and Yanam.

The news

The largest spider in the world has a wingspan of up to 28 centimeters

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra
