The director of the UNESCO Regional Science Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Lidia Brito, said today during the inauguration of the first open science forum,…
The director of the UNESCO Regional Science Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Lidia Brito, said today during the inauguration of the first open science forum,…
The president of Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez, today highlighted the "pioneer status" of the First Open Science Forum of Latin America and the Caribbean (Cilac), which brings together more than...
The president of Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez, today highlighted the "pioneer status" of the First Open Science Forum of Latin America and the Caribbean (Cilac), which brings together more than...
With a packed agenda of debate and reflection meetings, the First Open Science Forum of Latin America and the Caribbean continues here today: Transforming the Region, which has...
CARMEN VELA OLMO is in Montevideo during a week in which science, technology and innovation are at the center of a large array of forums organized…
The president of Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez, today highlighted the "pioneer status" of the First Open Science Forum of Latin America and the Caribbean (Cilac), which brings together more than...
republica.com.uy The relationship between Academia and Industry is essential to enhance the productive development of a country, and ours is no stranger to this beyond...
Montevideo, Sep 8 (PL) Women from different scientific branches today shared experiences about their work in the sector, where stereotypes still prevail, as part of the I Open Science Forum...
CONACYT present at the I CILAC Forum conacyt.gov.py Yesterday, CILAC 2016, the I Open Science Forum – Latin America and the Caribbean, one of…
comprada.com.uy During an interview, a journalist asked Albert Einstein if he could explain the Law of Relativity in a simple way, so that he could understand it. Einstein replied:—Can you explain to me…
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