A research team from the Japan Agency for Marine and Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) and the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography has collected samples of seafloor microbes up to…
El mecanismo, activo desde las primeras etapas del desarrollo neuronal, inhibe el proceso de muerte celular programada, o apoptosis, hecho que garantiza la supervivencia continua de las células nerviosas.
Cancer occurs when cells begin to grow uncontrollably. Cancer alone kills 10 million people worldwide. Only if tobacco disappeared from the world, total cancer mortality would be reduced by 20 %: no…
Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, scientists at the University of Manchester (United Kingdom), were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010 "for their fundamental experiments on the two-dimensional material graphene."
Each of us, lately, as a result of Covid-19, chooses the expert who says what we want to hear. We repeat what he says without paying as much attention to what he says. They are ready-to-wear expert opinions. And that is possible only…
Tania A. Reynolds, Postdoc at the Kinsey Institute, and her colleagues have found that in several studies there is a gender bias in the moral sphere: women are more easily classified as victims and men as perpetrators…
Inspired by the tough cellular skin of the grapefruit and the fracture-resistant shells of the abalone, a gastropod mollusk, engineers at Durham University claim to have created the first non-cuttable material ever made.
The true number of coronavirus cases in the United States could be 6 to 24 times higher than the confirmed number of cases, according to a large federal study that drew on data from 10 cities and states in the country.
The study, published…
The meaning of many of our behaviors depends on the context. Lying is one of them. That's why white lies exist, for example. Lying at the police station is not the same as lying to a friend if their chocolate cake…
The flexibility of our palate is extraordinary, and to a large extent it is something learned (although there is a biological, innate basis). That is why there are cultures where it is normal to eat things that in others are vomiting, such as blood sausage,...