People are more likely to censor information that portrays low-status or discriminated groups unfavorably.

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La gente censura más la información que retrata desfavorablemente a grupos de bajo estatus o discriminados

A recent study suggests that, in certain countries, people censor more information than portrays low-status groups unfavorably (women, blacks, Muslims) than identical information that portrays high status groups (men, whites, Christians) unfavorably.

The study was conducted with four samples from three countries (adults from the United States and three college-age samples from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Hungary) and three domains of group differences.


These “double standards” in censorship preferences fwere more pronounced among political liberals, although moderates and conservatives (especially college-aged moderates and conservatives) showed similar (although weaker and less consistent) patterns.

These results are consistent with a growing body of work that challenges the conventional wisdom that people have biases and double standards that harm low-status groups and reinforce existing hierarchies. In modern Western societies, at least in recent years, the opposite could happen.

In modern Western societies, at least in recent years, group-based biases in information evaluations appear to be designed to help low-status groups and eliminate or possibly even reverse existing hierarchies.

The problem is that perhaps we decompensate other groups or we have already done so and we are not yet aware of it: that is, we have begun to discriminate against the groups that We have popularly considered that they are not discriminated against.

For this reason, we must put aside our hunches and base our discriminations on the most objective data possible, and also on statistics. And remember, by fire, the following words as if they were a Robocop directive:

Los Libros Son A Menudo Un Mejor Vehiculo Para Transformar Las Creencias Que Las Conversaciones O Los Debates En La Conversacion La Gente Tiene Que Considerar Cuidadosamente Su Estatus Y Apariencia Quieren Guardar

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People are more likely to censor information that portrays low-status or discriminated groups unfavorably.

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Xataka Science

Sergio Parra


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This new 2D map of the universe is gigantic and has around 2 billion objects

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Es nuevo mapa 2D del universo es gigantesco y tiene alrededor de 2.000 millones de objetos

As a result of an international scientific collaboration, the Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) of the NAOC (National Astronomical Observatories of China) and the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) have conceived a truly gigantic map of the universe.

It digitally extends over 10 trillion pixels and contains around 2 billion objects. Astronomical observations reveal that the universe is expanding and appears to be accelerating.

10 billion pixels

To create this monster map, nearly 200 researchers from NAOC and DESI looked at galaxies and analyzed the data together over the past six years.

Now, DESI will carry out a five-year mission to obtain the redshifts of millions of galaxies and build the largest 3D universe. In this way the mystery of dark energy is intended to be solved: the matter that drives the expansion of the universe.

Of all the matter in the visible universe, only one 4% is normal matter, like the stuff from which all the things we know are made. A 23% is made of dark (invisible) matter, which physicists sense exists but don't know what it is. The remaining 73%, that is, almost all the matter in the universe, is dark energy, which is also invisible.

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This new 2D map of the universe is gigantic and has around 2 billion objects

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra


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This new algorithm guesses if you are conservative or liberal with an accuracy of 72 %

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Este nuevo algoritmo adivina si eres conservador o liberal con una precisión del 72 %

In a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois, we had already been given clues about How the face could reveal political orientation: specifically, the ugliest people They tend to be progressive, the most beautiful, conservative.

Now a study that has just been published goes further and, thanks to an algorithm, achieves a degree of precision when it comes to guessing whether the person is conservative or liberal that even surpasses that of long questionnaires.

facial recognition

Depending on our ideology, we will lean slightly more towards more group empathy (taking care of our own) and less general (caring as a symbol, even if that means taking less care of our own). Both positions have their pros and cons..

What seems to contradict our intuition is that these political trends have a reflection in our face (which forces us to ask ourselves what came first, the chicken or the egg: we vote like this because we have a certain face or we get a certain face because we vote like that.

The degree of success of this algorithm, be that as it may, It's from 72 %.


In the study, a facial recognition algorithm was used on images of 1,085,795 people to predict their political orientation by comparing their similarity to the faces of other liberals and conservatives. Political orientation was correctly classified on the 72%, and accuracy was similar across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and across diverse settings (Facebook and dating websites).


The greatest predictive power was provided head orientation (58%), followed by emotional expression (57%). Liberals tended to look at the camera more directly, were more likely to express surprise, and less likely to express disgust. Facial hair and glasses predicted political orientation with minimal accuracy (51-52%).

In future studies, a more detailed analysis could be obtained by exploring the links between political orientation and facial features extracted from images taken in a standardized environment while monitoring facial hair, grooming, facial expression and head orientation.

If you want to know more about this study and its implications, I explain it to you in the following video:

The news

This new algorithm guesses if you are conservative or liberal with an accuracy of 72 %

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra


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The active component in hot peppers can increase the performance of solar cells

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El componente activo de los pimientos picantes puede aumentar el rendimiento de las células solares

A little bit of capsaicin, the active component of hot peppers (Capsicum), may be a secret ingredient for more stable and efficient perovskite solar cells.

This is what a new study carried out by Chinese and Swedish researchers suggests.

Polycrystalline solar cells

While metal halide perovskite semiconductors represent a promising component for next-generation solar cell technologies, they are plagued by nonradiative recombination, an undesirable electron-level process that reduces efficiency and increases heat losses. Researchers looked for an additive to mitigate these effects.


Because of the burning sensation it produces in the mouth, capsaicin is commonly used in food products to make them spicier. But the study also suggests that spraying capsaicin on the precursor of methylammonium lead triiodide perovskite (MAPbI3) during the manufacturing process leads to a higher abundance of electrons to conduct current on the surface of the semiconductor.

This addition of capsaicin resulted in MAPbI3 polycrystalline solar cells with the most efficient charge transport: Control devices showed an energy conversion efficiency of only 19.1%, devices containing capsaicin had an efficiency of 21.88%.

The improved solar cells also showed improved stability, maintaining more than 90% of their initial efficiency after 800 hours of storage in ambient air.

Capsaicin also greatly reduced the defect density of the perovskite film, increasing the electron density by an order of magnitude and increasing charge transport.

While capsaicin may provide a low-cost and widely available additive for the future development of highly efficient perovskite solar cells, The stability of the material must be further refined before it is ready for commercial applications.

The news

The active component in hot peppers can increase the performance of solar cells

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra


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The availability of fast food restaurants between children's homes and their schools does not affect children's weight

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La disponibilidad de restaurantes de comida rápida entre las casas de los niños y sus colegios no afecta el peso de los niños

Several cities, including Austin, Texas, and New York, have considered banning fast food restaurants near schools, but Can we know if this strategy would be effective?

This studio investigates the effect of fast food availability on childhood weight outcomes by gender, race, and location.

No observable effects

The researchers used the body mass index of the Arkansas students, collected from 2004 to 2010, and compared it to home and school addresses through annual school records. The home address was used to geocode the location of the student residences.


Fast food restaurants were identified in the route between the children's homes and their schools. Fast food restaurants included major hamburger chains and drive-through restaurants (e.g. McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's), dairy stores with large fast food menus (e.g. Dairy Queen), take-out pizza establishments , taco places (e.g. Taco Bell), sandwich places (e.g. Subway, Quiznos), and fried chicken restaurants (e.g. KFC, Chick-Fil-A). The researchers excluded specialty stores such as ice cream shops that do not sell other fast foods (e.g., Baskin-Robbins), coffee shops (e.g., Starbucks), and donut shops (e.g., Krispy Kream).

Using a mean radius of 1.6 km to define exposure near home and school, the mean total exposure level was 3.34 restaurants. He 45.2% of children have at least one fast food restaurant located 800 meters from their school.

But the researchers concluded that changes in exposure had no effect on BMI score.

For example, increasing exposure to fast food at three restaurants moving from fourth to tenth grade increased the mean change in BMI by 0.003, less than one percent (0.7%) of the standard deviation.

The news

The availability of fast food restaurants between children's homes and their schools does not affect children's weight

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra


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Procrastination among students: 33 % of all their time is dedicated to procrastinating

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Procrastinación entre estudiantes: un 33 % de todo su tiempo se dedica a procrastinar

Procrastination, the tendency to postpone our duties, is a widespread evil, especially at a time when there are so many distractions and temptations in the form of leisure.

But among students it is something almost inherent, even among those who study a doctorate: all students They spend about a third of their waking hours in amusements that they themselves describe as a form of procrastination.

Leisure before exams

On average, Students dedicate more than eight hours to leisure activities during the two days before the exams, and their inability to properly manage time is one of their main concerns, as they themselves confess, and one of the reasons for abandoning their studies.

This trend exists regardless of the level of education being taken, as explained Piers Steel in his book Procrastination: Why we put off until tomorrow what we can do today:

It is one of the main reasons why most candidates for a doctorate degree leave the corresponding studies before having obtained it. After your name will appear the letters ABD (acronym in English for "everything but the thesis").

This tendency to postpone homework because we don't feel like it, because there are more interesting things to do or because we simply feel immense laziness is so powerful that it boycotts even the most carefully established plans and throws away the effort accumulated over years. even though it doesn't make any sense:

Incredible as it may seem, after having achieved admission to very competitive academic programs, after having taken all the doctoral courses, after having perhaps compiled the data for the thesis, when they only need to write and defend it, at least half , never completes the process despite the immense investment of time and the considerable reward it would bring them (on average, 30 percent more salary).

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Procrastination among students: 33 % of all their time is dedicated to procrastinating

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra


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If you live 80 years you will shed 80 liters of tears and other figures about what you will live and experience

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Si vives 80 años derramarás 80 litros de lágrimas y otras cifras sobre lo que vivirás y experimentarás

Eighty years of life expectancy means living around 30,000 days. 30,000 days are 1,000 months. On average, you'll live at least three-quarters of every day of your life with few critical health problems, which is a relief.

But you will also experience, gain or lose all of these things.

You will work the 10% of your life

  1. Your heart will beat 2.8 billion times (75 times per minute, 4,500 times per hour, 108,000 times per day)
  2. You will spend an average of 3.5 years eating without leaving the table. If you eat a balanced diet, you will devour about 7,300 eggs and 160 kg of chocolate.
  3. You will walk an average of 22,000 kilometers. You will almost go around the world.
  4. You will blink 415 billion times.
  5. You will lose 19 kg of skin from scratching.
  6. You will expel 40,000 liters of urine.
  7. Dislodging about 4,400 kg of excrement in six months.
  8. Your eyes will release 80 liters of tears. Most of your tears will be secreted solely and exclusively to keep your eyes moist (daily, enough tears are produced to fill 3 sewing thimbles).
  9. Your hair will grow 950 kilometers.
  10. You will work almost 3,000 days, that is, 8 years. The 10 % of your life.
  11. You will speak for a total of 12 years with around 2,000 different people. With some you will end up kissing for a total of 2 weeks.
  12. And the best thing of all is that you are more than likely to experience all of this, or at least now it is more likely than ever before in history: not long ago, in 1966, when the Beatles recorded Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, from 31 % it went to 2.5 %: only 2 out of every 100 people did not reach the age of majority. In 2009, less than 1 % died before turning 16. And the survivors, who are almost all, had a 87 % probability of reaching age 64 (and a 92 % if you were a woman).

Yes, we are all going to die someday (unless medical science manages to find the key to eternal life). dWe have about 30,000 days (or 1,000 months), especially if you live in Europe or North America. Take advantage of them.

And if you feel that you lack time, that the day does not last you, Maybe it's not so much that you're busier now or that you work more., but your time is worth more than before, as you can see in the following video:

The news

If you live 80 years you will shed 80 liters of tears and other figures about what you will live and experience

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra


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