Politicians commit negligence and lie but manage to avoid responsibility because they can

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Los políticos cometen negligencias y mienten pero logran evitar responsabilidades porque pueden

The list of errors, negligence, lies, dances of figures and contradictions of governments in relation to COVID-19 and other issues could be enough to write a book.

However, they have not assumed their responsibilities. They have avoided blame. Modern politicians are now very skilled at managing the press and adept at reframing issues in their favor.

slippery slope

Dishonesty is like a slippery slope, where small ethical transgressions pave the way for larger future transgressions. If a politician lies and can save himself from responsibility, in the future he will lie more, and more... until it's almost grotesque.

Spanish Coronavirus Technical Management Committee Press Briefing 20 March 20 04 Cropped

Just like researchers point out British researchers from University College London, the repetition and escalation of lies desensitize the brain's amygdala, and the repetition of this behavior, to which most politicians are so accustomed, encourages even more deception in the future.

The team has also considered the possibility that the activity of the amygdala represents the moral conflict resulting from contrasting the desire to appear honest, on the one hand, to the temptation to lie to obtain maximum personal benefit, for another.

Donald Trump 1708433 640

Another difference between a common lie and a political lie is that it not only seeks to scam the electorate, but also generate adhesions or consensus or separations or dissent.

In fact, many politicians can be classified as psychopaths, at least as this study carried out with American presidents suggests. The study was carried out in 2010 by Scott Lilieneld, the forensic psychologist Steven Rubenzer and professor of psychology at the Foundation for the Study of Personality in History, in Houston, Texas, Thomas Faschingbauer. Back in 2000, Rubenzer and Faschingbauer had sent the NEO Personality Inventory to the biographers of every U.S. president in history.

The results suggested that a number of US presidents displayed psychopathic traits. As explained Kevin Dutton in his book The wisdom of psychopaths Regarding the test that had been sent to the biographers of the presidents:

It included questions such as: “You have to take advantage of others before others take advantage of you,” and “I never feel guilty about hurting people.” In total, there were 240 such questions. And a trick. It was not the biographers who were being analyzed, but their subjects. Biographers, based on their knowledge, had to respond on behalf of their subjects.

Furthermore, political rhetoric has been diluted and simplified precisely due to greater democratic participation. As abounds in it Hit Makers: The Science of Popularity in the Age of Distraction, of Derek Thompson:

The greater simplicity of political rhetoric is actually a sign that political speeches aim to reach a broader audience, so they are emulating other populist forms of mass entertainment, such as music.

But politicians are not only responsible for significant mistakes made within their departments, but also for behaviors that are considered contrary to your ministerial code of conduct. Again, the conventions hold that ministers must resign if their actions are considered dishonest, intended to mislead parliament or the public, or bring the government into disrepute.

We are far from reaching those standards, and it seems that we are going to be increasingly so. Until it becomes grotesque.

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Politicians commit negligence and lie but manage to avoid responsibility because they can

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Xataka Science

Sergio Parra


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The Venuses would not be a symbol of fertility, but rather a consequence of an extreme climate and associated famines.

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Las venus no serían símbolo de fertilidad, sino consecuencia de un clima extremo y hambrunas asociadas

Although we have all assumed that the Venus of Willendorf symbolizes fertility, a new interpretation suggests that we are actually seeing something else.

The Venus of Willedorf, and other Venuses, would be a sign of the fear or hope of hunter-gatherers due to the sudden drop in temperatures and the lack of food associated with them. The Venus, then, It would be a symbol of caloric opolence.

Climate change and diet

This is what a researcher at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus suggests, Richard Johnson, in A study published in the magazine Obesity.

The first modern humans entered Europe during a warming period about 48,000 years ago; as he explains:

We demonstrate that these figures correlate with moments of extreme nutritional stress.


Known as Aurignacians, they hunted reindeer, horses and mammoths with bone-tipped spears. As temperatures dropped, the ice sheets advanced and disaster struck. During the colder months, temperatures dropped to 10-15ºC.

It was during these desperate times that obese figurines appeared. They were between 6 and 16 centimeters long and made of stone, ivory, horn or occasionally clay. Johnson and his team measured the statues' waist-hip and waist-shoulder ratios. They found that those closest to the glaciers were the most obese compared to those further away. Obesity, according to researchers, became a desired condition.

We found that body size ratios were higher when glaciers advanced, while obesity decreased as the climate warmed and glaciers retreated.

The figurines may also have been imbued with spiritual meaning: a kind of fetish or magical charm that could protect a woman during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.

The increased fat would provide a source of energy during pregnancy through weaning the baby and also as much-needed insulation.

The news

The Venuses would not be a symbol of fertility, but rather a consequence of an extreme climate and associated famines.

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Xataka Science

Sergio Parra


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For the first time, laboratory-grown meat is approved for human consumption

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Por primera vez, se aprueba para el consumo humano la carne cultivada de laboratorio

Restaurant goers in Singapore They will soon have the opportunity to eat chicken nuggets grown in bioreactors.

In this way, the first meat product grown in a laboratory for human consumption has been given the green light. In the historic approval, Singapore regulators have awarded Eat Just, a startup based in San Francisco, the right to sell farmed chicken, in the form of chicken nuggets.

Guaranteed security

Singapore's regulator assembled a panel of seven experts in food toxicology, bioinformatics, nutrition, epidemiology, public health policy, food science and food technology to evaluate each stage of the manufacturing process of Eat Just and thus ensuring that the chicken is safe for human consumption.

Singapore's decision could spur the first wave of regulatory approvals around the world.

"It included details on the purity, identity and stability of the chicken cells during the manufacturing process, as well as a detailed description of the manufacturing process that demonstrated that the harvested cultured chicken met the quality controls of the rigorous quality control system. food safety," the company said.

Cultured meat is made like this: Cells are taken from an animal, often through a biopsy or from an established animal cell line. These cells are then fed a nutrient broth and placed in a bioreactor, where they multiply until there are enough of them.

The problem is that this type of meat is still expensive to manufacture. So Just's first chicken products use cultured chicken cells mixed with plant protein, although it has not been specified in what proportion.

At the moment, a large number of new companies have been founded using variations of this approach, in the belief that cultured meat will appeal to consumers. flexitarians: people who want to reduce the amount of meat they eat for ethical or environmental reasons, but do not want to give it up completely.

For example, Memphis Meats, which counts Bill Gates, Richard Branson and traditional meat maker Tyson Foods among its many investors, has teamed up with several other companies, including Just and farmed seafood makers BlueNalu and Finless Foods, to form a lobby group. working with US regulators to obtain approval of your products.

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For the first time, laboratory-grown meat is approved for human consumption

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Xataka Science

Sergio Parra


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The fact that there are genetic differences does not mean that we must also discriminate based on these differences.

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Que existan diferencias genéticas no signitica que también debamos discriminator en función de estas diferencias

Stating that there are genetic differences should not translate into affirming that we must also create policies based on these differences, at an almost eugenic level, or that it encourages racism, machismo and other isms.

This knowledge is just that, knowledge. If anything, if there are differences that produce deep inequalities, knowing these differences should allow us to correct these inequalities, not accentuate them.

Know to legislate better

If someone has a genetic propensity to do something bad (let's imagine that is possible), we should not excuse them, but rather create even more coercive measures to prevent them from becoming a victim of their own genetic determinism. Mutatis mutandis, finding that a race is genetically inferior at an intellectual level (for example) does not automatically mean being racist.

On the contrary: by identifying a basic problem we can combat it better, as the cognitive psychologist argues. Steven Pinker in his book The blank slate: precisely identifying a genetic tendency can be the stimulus to monitor it more vigorously from a moral and legal point of view.

There is no reason to think that it is more difficult to fight against a genetic tendency than an environmental one, just as I explain in That wasn't in my genetics book.:

Knowing whether a particular group of people, whether black, women, or any other politically sensitive division, is less capable of something than the rest also allows us to correct it more effectively. For example: girls seem less interested than boys in mathematics. Do they have less mathematical intelligence? Is it something genetic? Or maybe it has to do with culture? Or maybe it's a mix of both?

Eso No Estaba En Mi Libro de genética (Divulgación Científica)

That Wasn't In My Genetics Book (Scientific Dissemination)

Another thing, of course, is that scientifically it is correct or incorrect to affirm that there are substantial differences between human groups, or that there is something similar to races (no, it doesn't exist: there is more genetic diversity between two black inhabitants of Africa than between an African and a European; we are all amazingly mixed).

Furthermore, it is difficult to isolate genes from the environment: we are facing an indisocial jungle that results in a phenotypic variance that is altered depending on as many dimensions as we are able to measure. There is always genetic influence, there is always environmental influence, and both genetic and environmental influence feed off each other in ways that we are not yet able to distinguish.

There is no embracing genetic determinism, but neither is there any escape from it. Nor should we do that with environmental determinism: the criticism of poorly understood genetic determinism involves the assumption of an environmental determinism so inflexible that, if true, tIt would also turn us into puppets.

If you want to go deeper into this and other things, you can do so in this interview about the aforementioned book:

The news

The fact that there are genetic differences does not mean that we must also discriminate based on these differences.

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra


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Now you can listen to iconic images from space that NASA has translated into sounds

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Ahora puedes escuchar imágenes icónicas del espacio que la NASA ha traducido en sonidos

Iconic new images obtained by space missions such as the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Hubble and Spitzer telescopes have been translated into sounds so we can enjoy it in another way.

The data sonification project is led by the Chandra X-ray Center (CXC) as part from the Universe of Learning program (UoL) from NASA.

Universe of Learning

Next, an image of the Bullet Cluster, which provided the first direct evidence of dark matter. Chandra X-rays (pink) show where hot gas is located in two merging galaxy clusters.

Data showing dark matter are represented by the lowest frequencies, while X-rays are assigned to the highest frequencies.

The Crab Nebula, meanwhile, has been studied by people since it first appeared in Earth's sky in 1054 AD

To translate this data into sound, which also moves from left to right, each wavelength of light has been paired with a different family of instruments. Chandra's

On February 24, 1987, observers in the southern hemisphere saw a new object in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a small satellite galaxy of the Milky Way.

One of the brightest supernova explosions in centuries and soon became known as Supernova 1987A (SN 87A). This time lapse shows a series of observations from Chandra (blue) and Hubble (orange and red) taken between 1999 and 2013.

The news

Now you can listen to iconic images from space that NASA has translated into sounds

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra


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The controversial study that indicates that jade amulets can protect against COVID-19

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El controvertido estudio que señala que los amuletos de jade pueden protegerse del COVID-19

No, jade amulets cannot protect you from COVID-19, although that is what a recent study which, fortunately, has already been withdrawn.

The controversial study suggesting that COVID-19 has become deadly due to un change in Earth's geomagnetic field.


A study, published in Science of the Total Environment, is titled: “Can Traditional Chinese Medicine Provide Information on Controlling the COVID-19 Pandemic?”

Naturally, its publication has provoked outrage and criticism in the scientific community and has forced the authors at the University of Pittsburgh to request a retraction.

The lead author of the study, Moses Bility, is an assistant professor of infectious diseases and microbiology at the University of Pittsburgh. Which adds even more ridicule to this situation, in which a ridiculous study has been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

The study, which is no longer available online, explored the idea that the new coronavirus is not new, but rather a virus that has been hidden in DNA and had been activated by a change in the planet's geomagnetic field.

The paper claimed that jade, with its own geomagnetic properties, can prevent the virus from making you sick.

It's true that strong magnetic fields can influence chemical reactions, but the long-wavelength anomalies in this rat study are nowhere near what would be required to have such an effect. Also erroneous is the idea that jade can stop the symptoms of COVID-19, a theory based on records of practices in ancient China during a period of similar geomagnetic conditions.

We are facing a serious situation. This is not the first time that poorly reviewed studies have been published that they claim real atrocities, How do vaccines cause autism?.

And it is serious because, even if the studies are withdrawn, people are slow to forget statements like this: that vaccines can cause autism; which in turn reinforces conspiracy theories that may lead the public to circumvent actual scientific or safety measures. Because we have enough to face the scientific ignorance of our politicians to also add that propagated by the scientific auditors in whom we must trust:

The news

The controversial study that indicates that jade amulets can protect against COVID-19

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra


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Envo kit turns regular bikes into electric snow bikes

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El kit Envo convierte bicicletas normales en bicicletas eléctricas para la nieve

We have already seen kits to convert traditional bicycles into electric bicycles and to convert them into pedal-powered snow machines: this electric snow bike kit goes a step further by combining the two.

Manufactured by the Canadian electric mobility company Envo, eThe kit is designed for use with mountain bikes.

Shipping Kit

According to Envo, the kit offers a motor-assisted top speed of 18 km/h and is efficient for a range of approximately 10 km, or two hours of use, for 8 hours of charging.

It should be noted that the bike's chain length needs to be adjusted and its rear derailleur needs to be removed, so installation is not simple.

Envo Snowbikekit Ft Parts 1536x1536

The bike's existing chain delivers power from the rider's legs to a sprocket attached to the side of the motor, while a 48V/17.5Ah lithium-ion battery pack mounted on the down tube provides electrical energy.

A crank-mounted sensor detects when the rider is pedaling, signaling the motor to activate accordingly. If the rider wishes, they can also activate the motor without pedaling, using a handlebar-mounted thumb throttle switch.

For relatively compact snow, users may prefer to keep the existing front wheel in place. However, for deeper snow, an included adapter allows you to replace that wheel with a snowboard.

In this way, the bicycle can easily cover any terrain, which opens a little more ground towards universal transportation. The electric bicycle is probably the next evolutionary step to the bicycle, which in its day already constituted a change in the mobility of society; it even worked like a kind of Tinder to meet future partners further away from your area and freed the women, as you can see in the following video:

The news

Envo kit turns regular bikes into electric snow bikes

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra


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