Christiaan Huygens, the Dutch scientist who discovered Saturn's moon Titan, was nearsighted, according to a study

By 03/03/2023 Portal

Myopia is a vision condition that causes distant objects to appear blurry, but close ones do not. In the 17th century, the Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) discovered a celestial body as distant from Earth as the moon titan, the largest of the satellites Saturn. He was also the first to realize that the structure surrounding the planet were rings. Throughout his life he revolutionized the measurement of time by inventing the pendulum clock, as well as mechanics and astronomy, but the resolution of your telescopes was lower than that achieved by its colleagues and competitors. A new study points to visual acuity to explain the discrepancy: it is possible that he was nearsighted. Not too much, the equivalent of -1.5 diopters, although enough to compromise the sharpness of the lenses it made.

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