call for

Submit by 22 April 2024

You can submit a proposal for a thematic session or parallel event to integrate the program of the fourth edition of the CILAC Forum.

They may be in any of the following modalities:

Thematic sessions de hasta 75 minutos, organizadas por una institución o consorcio de instituciones, en formato de Conversatorio, Exposición comentada, o Encuentros de Redes, enmarcadas en al menos uno de los themes del Foro:

  • United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030
  • Open science to reduce gaps
  • Artificial Intelligence for environmental sustainability
  • The new space economy
  • Science for the protection of life

Parallel events, para actividades no enmarcadas en los ejes temáticos de esta edición del Foro. Estas actividades no necesariamente deben transcurrir durante los 3 días del Foro, pueden suceder en el período comprendido por una semana antes o después del 2 al 4 de diciembre.

Official proposal forms must be sent, in PDF file, to the email address by 22 April 2024

The result of the evaluation will be informed to those responsible for the proposals in the weeks following the closing of the call. The Academic Committee will be made up of representatives of the organizing institutions, and their names will be announced in due course.