The controversial study that indicates that jade amulets can protect against COVID-19

By 01/12/2020 portal-3

El controvertido estudio que señala que los amuletos de jade pueden protegerse del COVID-19

No, jade amulets cannot protect you from COVID-19, although that is what a recent study which, fortunately, has already been withdrawn.

The controversial study suggesting that COVID-19 has become deadly due to un change in Earth's geomagnetic field.


A study, published in Science of the Total Environment, is titled: “Can Traditional Chinese Medicine Provide Information on Controlling the COVID-19 Pandemic?”

Naturally, its publication has provoked outrage and criticism in the scientific community and has forced the authors at the University of Pittsburgh to request a retraction.

The lead author of the study, Moses Bility, is an assistant professor of infectious diseases and microbiology at the University of Pittsburgh. Which adds even more ridicule to this situation, in which a ridiculous study has been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

The study, which is no longer available online, explored the idea that the new coronavirus is not new, but rather a virus that has been hidden in DNA and had been activated by a change in the planet's geomagnetic field.

The paper claimed that jade, with its own geomagnetic properties, can prevent the virus from making you sick.

It's true that strong magnetic fields can influence chemical reactions, but the long-wavelength anomalies in this rat study are nowhere near what would be required to have such an effect. Also erroneous is the idea that jade can stop the symptoms of COVID-19, a theory based on records of practices in ancient China during a period of similar geomagnetic conditions.

We are facing a serious situation. This is not the first time that poorly reviewed studies have been published that they claim real atrocities, How do vaccines cause autism?.

And it is serious because, even if the studies are withdrawn, people are slow to forget statements like this: that vaccines can cause autism; which in turn reinforces conspiracy theories that may lead the public to circumvent actual scientific or safety measures. Because we have enough to face the scientific ignorance of our politicians to also add that propagated by the scientific auditors in whom we must trust:

The news

The controversial study that indicates that jade amulets can protect against COVID-19

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra
