VIRTUAL EVENT: entrepreneurship ecosystems in Latin America and the Caribbean

By 01/09/2020 News

From August 2020 to March 2021, the CILAC Forum will organize a virtual event series to address important issues of the scientific and social situation of our region.

 Entrepreneurship ecosystems
from Latin America and the Caribbean 

The pandemic is generating unprecedented impacts throughout the planet, especially on health and economic activities. The impact on young ventures and companies is notable, but in some, greater resilience is perceived, key to designing public relief policies and boosting reconstruction after the crisis.

Amalia Quirici (Entrepreneurship Manager of the National Development Agency of Uruguay), Sergio Zuniga (Director of Ecosystem Development at Latimpacto) and Susana García Robles (Executive Advisor of LAVCA), with the moderation of Gabriel Casaburi (Leading private sector specialist, from the Competitiveness, Technology and Innovation division, IDB) will address these topics in the next CILAC Forum webinar.