Brown fat may protect against numerous chronic diseases, according to the largest study on the subject

By 05/01/2021 portal-3

La grasa marrón puede proteger contra numerosas enfermedades crónicas, según el mayor estudio sobre el tema

In our body we can find different types of fats, one of them is brown fat or brown fat: a type of adipose tissue that is metabolically very active and consumes energy to generate heat. In general, we have brown fat when we are children and we lose it with age.

A new study with 52,000 people points out that this type of fat can protect us from diseases: those who had detectable brown fat were less likely than their peers to suffer from heart and metabolic conditions ranging from type 2 diabetes to coronary artery disease, which develops when the main blood vessels that supply the heart become damaged or damaged.

The largest studio

In collaboration with Heiko Schoder and Andreas Wibmer At Memorial Sloan Kettering, researchers reviewed 130,000 PET scans from more than 52,000 patients and found the presence of brown fat in nearly 10 percent of people.

Several common and chronic diseases were less common among people with detectable brown fat. For example, only 4.6 percent had type 2 diabetes, compared to 9.5 percent of people who had no detectable brown fat. Similarly, 18.9 percent had abnormal cholesterol, compared to 22.2 percent in those without brown fat.

Additionally, the study revealed three more conditions for which people with brown fat have a lower risk: hypertension, congestive heart failure, and coronary artery disease—links that had not been seen in previous studies.

The study, by far the largest of its kind in humans, confirms and expands the health benefits of brown fat suggested by previous studies.

The news

Brown fat may protect against numerous chronic diseases, according to the largest study on the subject

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra
