People feel alone, more and more. The 13 % of the Italians, in fact, indicate that they have no one to ask for help. One-fifth of older men in Canada say they feel lonely at least once a week. The same as a quarter of Australians. In Japan, more than one million adults fit the official government definition of “social secluded” (hikikomori).
Evolution has not made us social creatures. We need to be with others, make alliances, gossip, see ourselves reflected in the eyes of others. However, just in times where we could do that more than ever, the opposite seems to be happening.
These are some of the topics it explores Together. The power of human connection, written by Vivek H Murthy, who was nominated by President Joe Biden in December 2020 for the position of 21st Surgeon General of the United States, a position he had previously held in the Obama administration.

Together: The power of human connection (Ares and Mares)
A book, which in addition to functioning as a wake-up call, proposes some strategies to reduce our intergroup tribalism, and is committed to a technology that does not isolate us, but rather connects us more and more. The future of our species depends on it.
At the bottom of our loneliness is the innate desire to relate to others because the human being is a social creature. We have evolved to participate in a community, to forge lasting bonds with others, to help each other, and to share life experiences. This book is a powerful wake-up call and in it there are many strategies that can help us connect because, simply, we are better off if we are together.
The news
Books that inspire us: 'Together. The Power of Human Connection' by Vivek H. Murthy
was originally published in
Xataka Science
Sergio Parra