Behavioral and linguistic changes are studied in the tweets of users with depression and taking antidepressants.

By 16/02/2021 portal-3

Se estudian los cambios a nivel conductual y lingüístico en los tuits de usuarios con depresión y que toman antidepresivos

Behavioral and linguistic changes in tweets in Spanish published by users who suffer from depression and who are taking antidepressant medication have been identified by Researchers from the Biomedical Informatics Research Program (GRIB) of the UPF and the Medical Research Institute of the Hospital del Mar (IMIM) of Barcelona.

The main objective was to detect the effects of antidepressants through changes in the language used in their tweets or in the way these people used Twitter.

668,842 tweets

He study included 186 users and their timelines with a total of 668,842 tweets.

During periods in which users reported that they were receiving treatment with antidepressant medications, their Twitter activity increased with longer messages but posting fewer messages at night.

They also interacted more with other users and there was also an increase in positive emotions related to happiness and surprise.

As explained Ferran Sanz, professor at the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences at UPF (DCEXS) and director of the Research Program in Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) at IMIM and UPF:

The use of techniques based on big data and text mining, which allow us to detect changes in the way in which users interact on social networks such as Twitter, can provide us with new opportunities for tracking and monitoring patients who suffer from one of the most widespread problems. disabling health conditions.

The news

Behavioral and linguistic changes are studied in the tweets of users with depression and taking antidepressants.

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra
