Lysenko recovered the Lamarquian theory that asserts that the biological traits of species are caused by the environment in which the species develop.
Beyond science, quantum physics crossed scientific borders to establish itself in the imagination of the literati of the first third of the 20th century.
Marcel Duchamp, in his painting titled 'Nude Descending a Staircase', dedicated himself to talentedly capturing the theory of higher dimensions formulated by Bernhard Riemann.
Maxwell devised an imaginary being, capable of manipulating molecules and violating the second principle of thermodynamics
Psychiatrist Carl G. Jung set out to study the phenomenon of coincidences in terms of quantum physics. For this, he had the collaboration of the physicist Wolfgang Pauli
If we look at physical laws, the conquest of space began immediately after time was created. Now it is given by the scarcity of energy resources
Goethe's romantic vision was that of an ecologist who thought about the past, not to return to it, but to rethink the present in terms of the future.
During the 19th century, the confusion created by phrenology led to the emergence of racism, sexism, and other irrational isms.
The krait is one of the most venomous snakes on the planet. Its bite is lethal. For the herpetologist Joseph Bruno Slowinski it was irreversible
In one of his novels, Stephen King considered parallel universes as a resource to change the future of History.