They can greatly magnify images of remote regions of space; However, it is difficult to find them. Now, a neural network has identified more than a thousand strong gravitational lenses.
When we talk, we almost always move our hands, even when talking on the phone. There is a reason for this.
An analysis of the influence of these groups on social networks shows that opposition to vaccines is a minority but has wide reach, especially among undecided people.

With more than 150 proposals, the application period for the III Open Science Forum in Latin America and the Caribbean to be held in 2021 closed. The pandemic and the...

Due to the context of COVID-19 in our region and in the world, and to guarantee a successful and safe edition of the CILAC Forum, the third edition will be held…

As part of our #OurScienceResponde portal, we share some resources of interest so that everyone can learn first-hand about the most recent research on the Coronavirus outbreak. The…

As part of our #OurScienceResponde portal, we share some resources of interest so that everyone can learn first-hand about the most recent research on the Coronavirus outbreak. The…