Galileo devised his own code to communicate his latest discovery to Julian de Medicis. Kepler thought he deciphered it and chance did the rest
In 1959, when scientists were working at a 1.4 million-year-old site in Ubeidiya, northern Israel, they were absolutely perplexed by the presence of almost 600 stone spheres just a few centimeters in diameter (between…
The Japanese space agency successfully launches a double mission into space: a deep cosmos observatory and a ship capable of landing precisely on the Earth's satellite.
Hace 100 años nacía en Francia René Thom, ganador de la Medalla Fields por su revolucionario trabajo en geometría y creador de la influyente teoría de catástrofes
The researcher works on patients with epilepsy to understand the bases of depression and aspires to treat it with surgery
Clothing with vertical stripes or monochrome can make us look slimmer. They are optical illusions that we have all heard about or applied at some point. But there is a very curious thing that probably no one has in mind when it comes to dressing and that affects…
A team of researchers from the Beijing Academy of Sciences has discovered one of the first ancestors of birds in Fujian (China). Named Fujianvenator prodigiosus, this unusual species of dinosaur is the size of a pheasant and has long legs…