CILAC 2016, the First Latin American and Caribbean Open Science Forum taking place from the 6th – 9th September in Montevideo will host entire sessions and outreach activities promoting Citizen Science. Activities such as Science in the Streets – science based activities in public spaces linking science with society, including theatre, art, dance, lunches and brown bags.
As part of this initiative we are pleased to announce some of the highlights of the CILAC 2016, including the participation of the UNESCO Kalinga Prize winner for the Popularization of Science (2015), Diego Golombek, Argentinean biologist, communicator and populariser of science, Big Van: scientist on wheels, a group of 17 Spanish scientists, composed of several physicists, mathematicians, biologists and engineers of whom most have PhDs and are actively working in labs and universities in Spain and abroad. The group are passionate about science communication and carry out comedic performances as a vehicle to bring science to the general public, Scientific Bardo presenting their sketch 'Feminciencias: women and science' performed by the group of Uruguayan scientist monologues, Quimica d+ a program of activities developed by the Center for Flexible Education (CEF), Faculty of Chemistry, aimed at children and adolescents, GEN: Center for Arts and Sciences and Popers Scientific Stand-Up from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The term citizen science refers to the public engagement of citizens who actively contribute to science, such as providing experimental data and facilities for researchers. Public involvement in the inquiry and discovery of new scientific knowledge is fundamental for sustainable development. The popularization of science is an important approach to in setting a public-oriented science communication strategy and science agenda.
Therefore, the organizers of CILAC 2016 have carefully selected this diverse range of scientific communicators, performers and artists to entertain, inform and engage you in science, technology and innovation for a sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean.