How to violate the fingerprint recognition of a mobile phone using a 3D printer

By 30/04/2021 portal-3

Cómo violar el reconocimiento de huella dactilares de un móvil usando una impresora 3D

The cybersecurity organization Cisco Talos Intelligence Group has discovered that recreating fingerprints to carry out identity theft can be achieved with an 80 percent success rate, and that you don't need expensive equipment to achieve it.

The researchers they were able to achieve the feat with a readily available 3-D printer that recreated a finger that he printed with a simple mold and glue.

3d print

Testers found that Apple products were more vulnerable to biometric override than units running Windows 10. But they noticed they were able to make more attempts to log in on iPads because they knew the codes that overrode the five-entry limit on fingerprint attempts. Without those codes, your success rate would have been noticeably lower.

"Still, this level of success rate means that we have a very high probability of unlocking any of the devices tested, the researchers noted.

The proliferation of 3D printers low-cost made it easier for researchers to bypass fingerprint-based biometric barriers.

All in all, consumers can generally feel safe, because hackers must overcome significant barriers to break security (they must obtain a user's fingerprint and then the user's device), so the probability of being attacked is not high. .

The results show that fingerprints are good enough to protect the average person's privacy if they lose their phone. However, a person who is likely to be targeted by a well-funded and motivated hacker should not use fingerprint authentication.

The news

How to violate the fingerprint recognition of a mobile phone using a 3D printer

was originally published in

Xataka Science

Sergio Parra
