CILAC Policy Papers

Science, Technology and Innovation as transversal objectives of the global agenda for sustainable and inclusive development until 2030.

Titled “Transforming our Region: Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development”, the CILAC Forum is conceived as a contribution to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda recently launched by the United Nations General Assembly.

UNESCO is the specialized agency of the United Nations System for five major areas vital to human and sustainable development: education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information.

To contribute to the advancement of these general issues, UNESCO operates from five strategies, including the ideas laboratory, where this series of policy documents is located.

These documents, prepared by some two main specialists in their respective fields of knowledge, seek to outline concepts, ideas and challenges-chave in five main areas for the trinity of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Universidades para el desarrollo.

Universities for development
Rodrigo Arocena and Judith Sutz (UDELAR / UNESCO / CILAC, 2016)

Educación científica. Beatriz Macedo (UNESCO / CILAC, 2016)Science education.
Beatriz Macedo (UNESCO / CILAC, 2016)

La ciencia para el desarrollo sostenible (Agenda 2030). Hebe Vessuri (UNESCO / CILAC, 2016). Science for Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030). Hebe Vessuri (UNESCO / CILAC, 2016)Science for sustainable development (Agenda 2030).
Hebe Vessuri (UNESCO / CILAC, 2016).

Science for Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030).
Hebe Vessuri (UNESCO/CILAC, 2016)